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 Off-Topic / Debate / 17327
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) [snip] (...) hehe! And I like how they manage to sneak in a bit of Churchill's speech too 8?) But I gotta say, I rank Fleetwood Mac (various incarnations) above Supertramp - there's just more of their songs that I like! (And I got to see MF + (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Then you'd get along famously with my friend Andrew, who appreciates Fleetwood Mac more than any other band. He always gets bummed 'cause FM get these concert tours started but before they reach any venue close to here, they split up (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) My favorite Fleetwood Mac era was when Bob Welch was with them. Must have been that phase of my childhood I spent in a bit of a fog. :-) I never cared too much for Bob Welch solo or FM before or after that. But then my favorite single FM song (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to,
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Yeah, kinda like Roger Hodgson leaving Supertramp for me... Tho I keep seeing Roger around Toronto on various shows 'n such--did he just put up his shingle in the GTA? So there's a debate for you--people who left 'big bands' and had successful (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Ah, yes, I remember getting my first all-in-one stereo-- 8 track player, record player (we weren't sophisticated enough back then to call it a turntable;-) and radio. And THEN I got a cassette recorder with "Doubly"[1]! The very first song I (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
In, John Neal writes: <snip> (...) If I had to peg it, COTC is it for me, tho their "Paris" album's my favourite listen. "Bon Soir Paris!..." ('specially the bit when he (I think it was Roger) went on about what he had for (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) lol, my dad bought a DVD player and got that DVD free with the purchase-- he gave it to me:-) (...) hehe For some reason, I never got into the Eagles-- I think maybe it was because they were *too* popular (I remember complaining that "New Kid (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) For me, one would have to be from Alan Parsons Project (my all-time favorite), but *which* one... Others require more thought-- you can't rush into these types of decisions-- one never knows how long one will be deserted! BTW, Dave, in this (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Yeah, picture a guy in a red shirt, with white hat and pants, pedalling on a bamboo bikish/generator. The professor could build a nuclear generator out of 2 coconut shells and a string but couldn't fix a 3 foot hole in a boat! (some comedy (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Yeah "Turn of a Friendly Card" is up there on my list. Also like "The Seekers" but which album? Think about it later... ROSCO (23 years ago, 22-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Chocolate Peanut Butter Coffee Oh, wait, those are the three foods I would want.... The trouble is, I know my favorite albums so well I can play them in my head, so it might be worth choosing something else. Course, you'd have to hope you (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) I'm a total Alan Parsons nut. If you want an album that really sticks with you, seek out the Alan Parsons Project album that isn't an APP album; it's called "Freudiana." It's still my favorite, and it was the last AP/EW collaboration. But it (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Cool! We APP nuts are a rare breed! (...) It is an *awesome* album! I found out about it through a web site some years ago and special ordered it. What a weird deal that was. Same band members, same format, same sound, but *not* an "Alan (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Check. (...) Check. (...) Huh? Thought that was a *beverage*. Reminds me of my college buddy who returned from a semester in England with a penchant for heavy beers-- "if you can't drink it with a fork, it's no good..." (...) Or that one (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) What a scene--a stack of books, on the steps, he's about to sit down when *crunch!*, he steps on his glasses. Burgess Meredith, a.k.a. Mick from Rocky--'Catch the chicken, Rock!', 'I's liked ya better when you was hauling spit around...' or (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Yeah. I heard the story somewhere about why it's not branded that way, but I forget--but if I go to Vienna, I will have to see it on stage. ;) I can never hear Leo Sayer the same 1970s way again. (Say, what is it with Parsons and the (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Or Chris Thompson-- he sang with *everyone*! (...) On CD? Didn't know one existed... Say, have you heard "Keats"? It's okay-- another attempt to fly without Eric, although he did mastermind the project ("Keats" is the name of his favorite (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) My favorite (Rock to Mick) "Cut me, Mick!" -John (23 years ago, 23-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) You kidding? It's my fifth basic food group. Or now that kids learn pyramids you could say it is one of the biggest blocks in the foundation of my food pyramid! (...) :D Hell would be being stuck on the island with only ABBA's greatest hits! (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jul-02, to

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