Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 02:16:28 GMT
4098 times
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In, David Koudys writes:
> In, Maggie Cambron writes:
> > In, Ross Crawford writes:
> > > In, David Koudys writes:
> > > > In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
> > > > >
> > > > > "Once there was a way, to get back home...."
> > > >
> > > > "Take the long way home..." (my favourite song from my favourite group...)
> > >
> > > I kinda like "Fool's overture" and "Babaji" (can you guess my fave album?)
> >
> > It's only Logical what Song my favorite would have to be....
> >
> > Maggie C.
> I was 9 when I bought 'Crime of the Century' -- LP!! (Still have it--I
> actually have 2 milk crates full of records and don't own a record player)
> 'Call the man a fool,
> Stripped him of his pride.
> Everyone was laughing
> Up until the day he died...'
> (there you go, ROSCO :) )
hehe! And I like how they manage to sneak in a bit of Churchill's speech too 8?)
But I gotta say, I rank Fleetwood Mac (various incarnations) above
Supertramp - there's just more of their songs that I like! (And I got to see
MF + JMcV in Tassie when I lived there, doin a blues show with a bunch of
local players!)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
| (...) Then you'd get along famously with my friend Andrew, who appreciates Fleetwood Mac more than any other band. He always gets bummed 'cause FM get these concert tours started but before they reach any venue close to here, they split up (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
| (...) I was 9 when I bought 'Crime of the Century' -- LP!! (Still have it--I actually have 2 milk crates full of records and don't own a record player) I missed the 'Famous Last Words...' concert tour by 5 minutes--I was off timing and scorekeeping (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
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