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 Off-Topic / Debate / 17330
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Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 13:26:29 GMT
4611 times
In, David Koudys writes:
In, Ross Crawford writes:

hehe! And I like how they manage to sneak in a bit of Churchill's speech too

But I gotta say, I rank Fleetwood Mac (various incarnations) above
Supertramp - there's just more of their songs that I like! (And I got to see
MF + JMcV in Tassie when I lived there, doin a blues show with a bunch of
local players!)


Then you'd get along famously with my friend Andrew, who appreciates
Fleetwood Mac more than any other band.  He always gets bummed 'cause FM get
these concert tours started but before they reach any venue close to here,
they split up (again)...

Andrew even has a cat named 'Fleetwood', so there you are

My favorite Fleetwood Mac era was when Bob Welch was with them. Must
have been that phase of my childhood I spent in a bit of a fog. :-)
I never cared too much for Bob Welch solo or FM before or after that.
But then my favorite single FM song is The Chain, so go figure....

Maggie C.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Yeah, kinda like Roger Hodgson leaving Supertramp for me... Tho I keep seeing Roger around Toronto on various shows 'n such--did he just put up his shingle in the GTA? So there's a debate for you--people who left 'big bands' and had successful (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to
  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Ah, yes, I remember getting my first all-in-one stereo-- 8 track player, record player (we weren't sophisticated enough back then to call it a turntable;-) and radio. And THEN I got a cassette recorder with "Doubly"[1]! The very first song I (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to

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  Re: Supertramp (was: Be careful ....)
(...) Then you'd get along famously with my friend Andrew, who appreciates Fleetwood Mac more than any other band. He always gets bummed 'cause FM get these concert tours started but before they reach any venue close to here, they split up (...) (23 years ago, 19-Jul-02, to

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