In lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, Jeff Szklennik wrote:
> I also found more 'new' pieces: a 1x2 45 degree slope with no studs- so you can
> make an odd numbered roof width. imagine a 2x2 45 degree slope piece; remove
> the 1x2 'brick with studs' part so you only have the slope. the set comes with
> 2- one black, one clear- they help make the control console.
Finally I was able to find a single copy of this set at a local KMart, but no
other new sets were in evidence. Weird.
Here are renderings of some of the pieces you described, though I foolishly
omitted the new 45-degree slope element:
Good stuff!
And here are a few thoughts about the set overall:
The good: Lots of light- and dark-gray, lots of cool new elements, and a good
piece:price count as always. I love the cockpit, and I'm thrilled that
MEGABLOKS has finally released new plate-height wing pieces. In general, the
design of the set is good, too.
The bad (but not *that* bad): Juniorization. I hate hate hate the nosecone,
and I particularly hate it because the GAU-8 gun is molded in place! How hard
would it have been to put a two-stud attachment point on a removable gun,
thereby greatly increasing its playability? This was really disappointing for
me. Also, I've never liked the smooth-tread wheels that come with this set, and
MEGABLOKS has had them in circulation for at least six or seven years. They've
shown their ability to make other, better wheel designs--let's see them here.
The ugly: The ordnance is utterly disappointing. With the exception of the two
small missiles, all of the bombs have hollow undersurfaces, making them only
usable in top-view constructions. Would it have been so tough to make two-piece
bombs with a top and bottom shell, attachable on standard studs? The fuel tanks
for the Tactical Fighter are designed that way, as are the larger missiles that
come with that set. I'm really annoyed at this aspect of an otherwise very nice
set. Pooh-pooh on MEGABLOKS for taking a disappointing shortcut.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: new MB sets
| Referencing the new $20 Warthog plane set for anyone who didn't follow that. (...) Oddly enough I just got this set myself two days ago and was going to point this out too. Rather frustrating. (...) I was going to point this out too. As far as the (...) (21 years ago, 24-Jun-04, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands)
|  | | A minor note about the Warthog
| My local KMart has two versions of the (URL) Force Warthog> on the shelf. The sets themselves appear to be identical, but the boxes are slightly different, and one is listed as set #9789 and the other is #3707. The price and piece-counts are the (...) (20 years ago, 25-Jul-05, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: new MB sets
| (...) SNIP (...) You're welcome! (...) 545, plus extras-i usually get extra pieces in MB sets (...) same old 2003 catalog (...) i'm a double fink-i built it too! :D I also found more 'new' pieces: a 1x2 45 degree slope with no studs- so you can make (...) (21 years ago, 25-Mar-04, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands)
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