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Re: new MB sets
Wed, 24 Mar 2004 17:21:08 GMT
1183 times
In, Jeff Szklennik wrote:
at my Claremont, NH W*M, I picked up a $20 A10 Warthog Probuilder model.  It has
a new molded & printed/painted nose 'cone', a new cockpit, new engine
intake/output cowlings, new molded missles & landing gear.  it's light & dark
gray.  on the side of the box is a pic of another new set, which i did not see
on the shelf; a blackhawk helicopter apparently made of regular bricks, not
POOPs like the "command ops" sets.  Haven't built it yet, but it looks to be a
great model.

First, thanks for posting this information!

Second, how many pieces are in the set?

Third, is a new catalog included, or is it the same one from late 2003 (i.e.,
does not include the Warthog itself?)

Fourth, you're a fink for finding this set before I did!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: new MB sets
(...) SNIP (...) You're welcome! (...) 545, plus extras-i usually get extra pieces in MB sets (...) same old 2003 catalog (...) i'm a double fink-i built it too! :D I also found more 'new' pieces: a 1x2 45 degree slope with no studs- so you can make (...) (21 years ago, 25-Mar-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  new MB sets
at my Claremont, NH W*M, I picked up a $20 A10 Warthog Probuilder model. It has a new molded & printed/painted nose 'cone', a new cockpit, new engine intake/output cowlings, new molded missles & landing gear. it's light & dark gray. on the side of (...) (21 years ago, 23-Mar-04, to

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