Re: "Buying Lego" FAQ to link auctions to
|, lugnet.faq
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 03:56:02 GMT
2502 times
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Here's my list of possible FAQ questions for this. Additions and
suggestions, please!
Where's the best place to buy Lego?
How can I get lots of bricks of just one color?
How can I get lots of bricks of just one color and a specific size?
How can I get lots of plates of just one color?
Can I order bulk pieces from Lego?
What is a Parts Auction? (or Piece Auction)
Where can I buy older sets that are not in stores any more?
Does Lego sell spare parts?
Where can I get sets which are "Not sold in stores"?
What's the cheapest way to buy Lego?
Where can I get more train track? Switches/points? Cross tracks?
How can I get lots of weapons for my Lego minifigs?
Help! Lego doesn't make a bricks pack for Dark grey/tan/orange/light
I need an army! How can I get lots of the right kind of minifig?
Where can I buy transparent pieces?
Where can I buy trees/flowers/bushes/fences
Where can I get more windows
Where can I get more roof bricks
I need roof bricks which are a different colour from red!
I need windows which are a different colour from red!
How can I get new sails for my pirate ship?
Where can I get the cool keychains and such that they sell at legoland?
Where can I get more / specific Technic parts?
Where can I get a blue air tank for my Technic models?
My Lego train is old and not produced any more. Can I get more track?
Can I get a new motor? Will the new trains run on my track? Can I run my
old trains on the new track?
I can't get Mindstorms anywhere! How can I get it!
The new <xxx> sets aren't available where I live. Help!
What is Shop at Home S@H and how do I reach it/them?
I lost a part from an old set. How can I get it replaced?
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: "Buying Lego" FAQ to link auctions to
| (...) Additions and (...) specific size? (...) more? (...) Cross tracks? (...) grey/tan/orange/light (...) minifig? (...) red! (...) sell at legoland? (...) get more track? (...) track? Can I run my (...) replaced? Sorry everyone about messing up my (...) (25 years ago, 18-Oct-99, to, lugnet.faq)
|  | | Re: "Buying Lego" FAQ to link auctions to
| (...) Wow. This is a *GOOD* list! I wish I could answer a few, but alas, my LEGO market savvy stops at Wal-Mart's toy section. :-P I plead, nay I beg, let's get answers for these questions! Some thoughts, but no answers: (...) This has always been (...) (25 years ago, 18-Oct-99, to, lugnet.faq)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | "Buying Lego" FAQ to link auctions to
| I have been thinking for a while of writing a FAQ on "how to buy Lego" which I could link to from my eBay and other auctions. This would include things like S@H, Ets Dya and Busy Bee, reading RTL and Lugnet, how to tell a good deal when you see one (...) (25 years ago, 12-Oct-99, to, lugnet.faq)
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