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Re: Is WM about to clearance 7140 X-wing ?
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 14:26:43 GMT
405 times
Thomas (T. J.) Avery at wrote:

You know, I've had the same experience too, until yesterday.

My wife went shopping yesterday and called me on the mobile to tell me that
she found a hidden little shelf at WM. This "hidden" shelf was located near
the garden section and it contained the toy clearance items. On it were
several LEGO sets!

I was wondering about this myself. The other day, someone on the SEALUG mail
list informed us that WM was clearancing Technic C-3P0. I went to WM and
walked around the Toy section for about 5 minutes before I realized they
moved the LEGO to the other side of the bicycles, next to the garden stuff.
I found the clearance items over on the end cap. I picked up a C-3P0 and a
Grip n Go Challenge, both for 50% off.

I am curious why they moved the LEGO to a location that isn't with all the
rest of the toys.

~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
Mark's Lego(R) Creations

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Is WM about to clearance 7140 X-wing ?
(...) I have been in 2 WM's so far in New York State that have moved the Lego to right where you describe it. What freaked me out was that a few weeks ago I was there buying Lego and 2 days later EVERY item in the toy department had been moved. I (...) (24 years ago, 11-Sep-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Is WM about to clearance 7140 X-wing ?
(...) You know, I've had the same experience too, until yesterday. My wife went shopping yesterday and called me on the mobile to tell me that she found a hidden little shelf at WM. This "hidden" shelf was located near the garden section and it (...) (24 years ago, 10-Sep-01, to

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