Re: New LOM sets info (Was: New Life on Mars Multi-pack)
Wed, 9 May 2001 02:24:54 GMT
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In, Dave Lovelace writes:
> In, Todd Kubo writes:
> > Confirming that Toy 'R Us had a whole new shipment of these.
> > (I broke down, bought 4)
> > Inside the boxes are pictures of a 4 panel poster that can be made from
> > getting all of the sets.
> > 7300/7308
> > 7301/7309
> > 7302
> > 7303
> Found this Value Pack (Item number 78777, called "Alien Discovery") at Zany
> Brainy in Manchester, CT. Question: Where does one acquire 7302 and 7303?
> Are they the same sets I found in a Quaker Oatmeal Giveaway? I ahven't
> gotten them yet...I have to eat 24 packages of danged oatmeal before I'll be
> able to mail away for them.
> I asked LS@H just now about 7300-3, and they said they'd be carrying them
> "probably in the Spring."
> Info for 7300, 7301, and 78777 all match, but LS@H lists them as not being
> available yet, and the operator was surprised that stores get them first
> (she must be new).
> I did get info for 7302: Worker Robot, 30pcs, but nothing was listed for
> 7303 ("set does not exist.") What's the skinny? Where was this set found?
I found all 4 mini sets at Walgreen's (in Memphis, TN) and bought #7300 -
Double Hover and #7303 - Jet Scooter. They had #7301 and #7302 - Worker Robot
available, but I didn't see buying them all at one time. The Jet scooter comes
with neatly colored - Bluish-Gray SW Cannons. All of the Martian piloted sets
come with figures wearing two-toned suits (Unlike the Martians pictured in the
4 mini-posters.)
James J.
> --Dave (jot and jab)
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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