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Re: More 2000 TRU Prices
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 04:57:47 GMT
760 times
Several.  Lego Australia has apparantly stated it flat out, and various • rumours
and so forth have been going on about it for quite a while.  I'd mostly been
skeptical about the rumours, until the 2000 catalogue (and service flyer) was
discovered.  In the 2000 service flyer there is no mention whatsoever of
anything resembling a service pack.

Well until we get the full catalog we wont know for sure will we? and as for
the other countries I dont know the demand, but USA has a lot of it! If they
discontinue the packs, and I get get them in time a lot of people are going to
be happy for I would sell all my gray bricks. No sense in bothering if you
cant finish a product, eh?


I'd been skepical about Canadian S@H going away, and that has been confirmed.
To be on the safe side, I'm ordering a shwack of 5145's before year end.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: More 2000 TRU Prices
(...) Several. Lego Australia has apparantly stated it flat out, and various rumours and so forth have been going on about it for quite a while. I'd mostly been skeptical about the rumours, until the 2000 catalogue (and service flyer) was (...) (25 years ago, 18-Nov-99, to, lugnet.general)

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