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Re: MSP Fest?
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 00:04:39 GMT
3005 times
John Neal wrote:

what are you planning to do with YOUR 1X1 red recessed sidestud bricks?

These are some of the most useful bricks out there for direction
changes. I must have 500 of them and I am always buying more because I
run out. They have two studs and two holes. One stud is on top, one on
the side, inset so that it is two plates from the other side of the
brick. One hole is on the bottom, one hole is on the other side from the

Frontwards, you can mount a brick or plate vertically with somewhat of
an inset.
I use them a lot in this configuration, paired, with 1x2 grille tiles in
them. That gives a grille that sticks out about 1/2 plate. I also use
them with 1x1 tiles with numbers. Everyone and their brother uses them
this way for lights.

Face the brick backwards, but still in the conventional up orientation
and you have a hole to mount stuff to which is flush. For example you
can mount a larger jet engine on a fuselage side. You can mount a plate,
then put lights or whatever in.

Turn the brick on its side, and put a plate on top. Now it's the same
height as a brick. With the stud facing out, it makes a great way to
mount a plate or tile. But unlike when you use a technic brick with a
1/3-1 technic peg/stud in it, the plate is flush with the bottom of the
brick. Use the technic and it's flush with the top instead.

With the back side facing out, there's a hole. This hole sticks out a
bit but again, takes a plate or brick bottom flush instead of top flush

Use several together and you can reverse stud direction completely.

What do YOU use you 1x1 with side stud for?

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MSP Fest?
what are you planning to do with YOUR 1X1 red recessed sidestud bricks? (...) (26 years ago, 8-Jan-99, to,

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