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Re: c1970 castle
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 22:40:03 GMT
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Can anyone here help him?

Mike Edwards
Lugnet Member #151
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"andrew apps" <> wrote in message
I very recently lost ALL my pre 1980 (including a couple from 1950's)
instruction manuals.  Well they wernt lost, but thrown away last  year by • my
now mad and soon to be divorced wife.  Nearly all of these have been
recovered through this excellent site, however one still escapes me.

This model was a castle which was bought for me when i was about 3 years • old
in 1970.  It came from an offer from Kellogs corflakes (in UK), or similar
breakfast cereal.  I seem to remeber the base was made up from 3 large
plates, it had several turrets,  keep and wall walkways, and many tall and
narrow windows.

I must have built this model a hundred times as a child and miss it • dearly.
I have searched this site extensivly for these instructions. please please
PLEASE fellow lego lovers... help me.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: c1970 castle
You only have to ask! I have the scans. 10 pages in all. zipped they take 1.16M Andrew, do you want them emailing direct? Huw, do you want them for your resurrected page? I cannot claim all the credit as I received them earlier this year from a chap (...) (23 years ago, 17-Dec-01, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  c1970 castle
I very recently lost ALL my pre 1980 (including a couple from 1950's) instruction manuals. Well they wernt lost, but thrown away last year by my now mad and soon to be divorced wife. Nearly all of these have been recovered through this excellent (...) (23 years ago, 15-Dec-01, to lugnet.general)

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