Re: OT: Quick homework help :-)
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 23:08:40 GMT
1338 times
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In, Ross Crawford writes:
> In, Melody Brown writes:
> > In, Pedro Silva writes:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > One of my teachers and I had a chat today about the relative position of the
> > > sun during sunrise *in summer*.
> > > Ok, so that is not the most interesting topic on Earth... I know :-)
> > > But it is relevant to that class, in order to study how the sun can
> > > contribute to the temperature of a building. Unfortunately, we are in the
> > > middle of winter and cannot wait till summer to check our guesses... and
> > > that is where you come in.
> > >
> > > YOU are in summer now! :-D
> >
> > Mmmmmm summer.... Mmmmmm warmth :)
> > >
> > > So... if any of you living down-under is willing to help me, I'll be most
> > > thankful of that.
> > > The task is quite simple: During sunrise/sunset (does not matter much),
> > > please check the relative position of the sun in degrees, 0º being North and
> > > rotating CW. What I intend to know is if the angle is anywhere between 90º
> > > and 270º. Not much rigeur is required, really - an approximation may suffice.
> > > Oh, one more thing: the farther to the South you live in, the better.
> Well here's the theory:
> Earth's axis is tilted 23.5º from the solar plane, which for this discussion
> means any city above -23.5 latitude may see sunrise at >90º in summer (and
> similarly sunset <270º). Thus Darwin, Townsville, Cairns and possibly Alice
> Springs (-23.7) would be candidates. Any cities below this latitude
> (including most major Australian cities) would never see this, the farther
> south you go the less likely you are to see it. Theoretically.
Ok, so this confirms our suppositions. Is this noticeable, though? I mean,
if you live, say, at 25ºS, would you notice the slight "Southwise" angle
during sunrise?
> > But Southwise... I think this needs to be directed to a Tasmanian :) Or
> > even a Victorian :) I'm sure Ross would help you in that case...
> Huh??? Me up at sunrise???? You gotta be kiddin!
Remember, sunset works just as well!
(I don't get to see sunrise as well, but that's due to legal time being all
messed up here - NOT sleeping hours! ;-)
Thanks, Ross!
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 | | Re: OT: Quick homework help :-)
| (...) Well here's the theory: Earth's axis is tilted 23.5º from the solar plane, which for this discussion means any city above -23.5 latitude may see sunrise at >90º in summer (and similarly sunset <270º). Thus Darwin, Townsville, Cairns and (...) (22 years ago, 20-Nov-02, to
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