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Re: OT: Quick homework help :-)
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 23:08:40 GMT
1338 times
In, Ross Crawford writes:
In, Melody Brown writes:
In, Pedro Silva writes:
Hi all,

One of my teachers and I had a chat today about the relative position of the
sun during sunrise *in summer*.
Ok, so that is not the most interesting topic on Earth... I know :-)
But it is relevant to that class, in order to study how the sun can
contribute to the temperature of a building. Unfortunately, we are in the
middle of winter and cannot wait till summer to check our guesses... and
that is where you come in.

YOU are in summer now! :-D

Mmmmmm summer.... Mmmmmm warmth :)

So... if any of you living down-under is willing to help me, I'll be most
thankful of that.
The task is quite simple: During sunrise/sunset (does not matter much),
please check the relative position of the sun in degrees, 0º being North and
rotating CW. What I intend to know is if the angle is anywhere between 90º
and 270º. Not much rigeur is required, really - an approximation may suffice.
Oh, one more thing: the farther to the South you live in, the better.

Well here's the theory:

Earth's axis is tilted 23.5º from the solar plane, which for this discussion
means any city above -23.5 latitude may see sunrise at >90º in summer (and
similarly sunset <270º). Thus Darwin, Townsville, Cairns and possibly Alice
Springs (-23.7) would be candidates. Any cities below this latitude
(including most major Australian cities) would never see this, the farther
south you go the less likely you are to see it. Theoretically.

Ok, so this confirms our suppositions. Is this noticeable, though? I mean,
if you live, say, at 25ºS, would you notice the slight "Southwise" angle
during sunrise?

But Southwise... I think this needs to be directed to a Tasmanian :)  Or
even a Victorian :)  I'm sure Ross would help you in that case...

Huh??? Me up at sunrise???? You gotta be kiddin!

Remember, sunset works just as well!
(I don't get to see sunrise as well, but that's due to legal time being all
messed up here - NOT sleeping hours! ;-)

Thanks, Ross!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: OT: Quick homework help :-)
(...) Well here's the theory: Earth's axis is tilted 23.5º from the solar plane, which for this discussion means any city above -23.5 latitude may see sunrise at >90º in summer (and similarly sunset <270º). Thus Darwin, Townsville, Cairns and (...) (22 years ago, 20-Nov-02, to

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