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  MOC: Falco II
Em português no meu blog: (2 URLs) This is my last MOC. Is a hydroplane inspired on the original Falco that appears on the Conan, The Future Boy, a anime TV series from the 70s. The main reason to do this adaptation was the general shape of the (...) (16 years ago, 30-Jan-08, to,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)  
  Re: CAD Sticker Generator - Request for Translators
Thank you all for translating the language files. I have made a new release with the new languages. You can download here: (URL) Unless there is a bug, I will probably not be making any more updates for a long time. If you do find a major error, (...) (16 years ago, 5-Dec-07, to lugnet.cad,,,, FTX)  
  Re: CAD Sticker Generator - Request for Translators
(...) Fixed some errors and smaller to fit. português.txt ____ Conversor de Bitmap para Autocolante LDRAW Selecção da Imagem Bitmap Imagem: Procurar Guardar em: Procurar Opções, Converter, e Guardar Nome do Autocolante: ID Único da Peça: Autor da (...) (16 years ago, 27-Nov-07, to lugnet.cad,
  CAD Sticker Generator - Request for Translators
I have re-written my Sticker Generator CAD program to accept language files, but my French, Italian, and Spanish are not that good. I have started each of these language files, but I need help writing them properly. Each file is only has about 30 (...) (16 years ago, 26-Nov-07, to lugnet.cad,,,, FTX) ! 

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