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Re: Gauging interest in The Hobby Show 2004 - Toronto, ON
Mon, 17 May 2004 23:57:16 GMT
392 times
In, Keith Hui wrote:
Hi Allan,

In, Allan Bedford wrote:
The Hobby Show in Toronto is just about 6 months away.  This post is
intended to gauge the level of interest that people have in putting on a
booth at this year's show.

As a reminder, the Can-Brick Builders attended last year's show (Nov 2003)
and put on a great display.  In fact, we won the Hobby Booth of the Year

For a bit more background (if you weren't there) you may want to check out
these links:

Can-Brick Builders is a group formed exclusively to do The Hobby Show booth.
It was comprised of a number of rtlToronto members and several other
builders from around SW Ontario.  Membership is free and open to all.  :)

Even though the show is still several months down the road, I'm hoping that
we can begin to get an idea of how many people might be interested in
attending the show this year (Nov 2004) if we were to put on the booth
again.  So, all I'm hoping for at this point is that you either reply to
this posting with a simple, "yes, I'm interested" response, or email me at:

and let me know that way.

Be sure to count me in and let me have all the details - in time! I don't
want to miss it like last year!

I still have < Butters>
and < Inferno> built. I
am keeping them around specifically for this event!


I must again apologize to you.  I still feel bad that your email address didn't
quite make it on to the mailing list.  That was confusion on my part between
those people I was communicating with and those who were on the list.  In your
case we were exchanging emails but I didn't realize that some of the critical
info didn't get to you in time.

I'm glad to hear you are still interested.  Thanks for putting your hand up....
again.  :)

Best regards,
Allan B.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gauging interest in The Hobby Show 2004 - Toronto, ON
Hi Allan, (...) Be sure to count me in and let me have all the details - in time! I don't want to miss it like last year! I still have (URL) Butters> and (URL) Inferno> built. I am keeping them around specifically for this event! Cheers Keith (21 years ago, 17-May-04, to,, FTX)

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