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Re: Brikwars for Beginners
Wed, 2 May 2001 07:13:32 GMT
669 times
In, Richie Dulin writes:
In, James Howse writes:
*checks rules* Um, landing craft away then. All the sizes and types of
vehicles are available at TL5. 'sides I like vehicles (they make good targets).
They also save walking.

err. that's not really that small is it? Perhaps we won't be having the
invading spaceships on the field of play...
But without my invading spaceship, how will I [deleted by welshishish
censor] my [deleted by welshishish censor] to [deleted by welshishish censor]?

I was more thinking of the Saucy Slayer (and I understand that Richard is
equally keen to have his sitting on the table too). It all depends on how
big your ship is...

James (who is trying to imagine a 2.5x3 space, how big is that?)
That's easy: It's from where I'm sitting, over to the picture of the cattle
on the wall one way, and to the window on the other. Hmmm. That may not be
much use to you.

*looks around wildly for the picture of cattle???*

How about 50% wider and 50% longer than a queen sized bed? Pretty awkward to
reach the centre.

Eeep!, hang on *checks a queen bed* They're about 2.1x2.1m That's enough
room for 8x8 plates which is plenty big enough. The crunch is a table big
enough (or gasp! the floor) and room to walk around (still required even if
we're on the floor). The field doesn't have to be 7 wide but it will have to
be at least that long. All this is academic though, either our host in
Melboring has the room or they don't.

James (who wonders about signing an ABM treaty to make the game smaller.)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Brikwars for Beginners
(...) Well, I was thinking the Wasabi will be about the size of the Saucy Slayer: Something that size will be necessary to transport the SO SO forces and [two pages of details deleted by Welshishish censors]. Maybe a modular approach is appropriate. (...) (24 years ago, 4-May-01, to
  Scoping the territory (was Re: Brikwars for Beginners)
(...) I'm entirely relaxed guys. I remember what fun it was to have the technic shuttle sitting on the end of the table last time, lobbing nuclear missiles at me. Laugh? Mate, we were laughing the buttons off our piratey tunics.. While the Slayer is (...) (24 years ago, 4-May-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brikwars for Beginners
(...) They also save walking. (...) But without my invading spaceship, how will I [deleted by welshishish censor] my [deleted by welshishish censor] to [deleted by welshishish censor]? (...) That's easy: It's from where I'm sitting, over to the (...) (24 years ago, 2-May-01, to

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