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Studfest: Part the Fifth (Re: LegOz 2000.8 - BrikWars)
Mon, 7 Aug 2000 13:08:29 GMT
3380 times
In, David Low writes:

Hilarity is fairly important in my fun factor. I think grossly uneven (or at
least very different) forces, surprises in the scenery and great big SNAFU
siege weapons add a lot to the game. Otherwise, I'm happy with these

I'm with you.  For me the glorious heroic stupidity and utter incongruity is
the fun.

Rationale for the squabbling is always good. Lack of food or religious
enlightenment seem suitably medieval to me -- thoughts?

TL3 is a bit more Rennaissance than Medieval (see, I've been reading my books
again.....), but lack of food or religious enlightenment are perennials, are
they not?

Actually, I got a bit of a chuckle out of trying to work out the extent to
which 'lack of' was being used as a collective, as in 'lack of (food or
religious enlightenment)'.  I love that about English.  Ooops, sidetrack.

Rather than anything so immediate as food, or aetherial as lack of religious
enlightenment, I find myself musing on the whole Patriot (great special
effects, heinous plot, grossly under developed characters, but what do I know
anyway ;-) thingie.  Ranks of red coats advancing slowly with bayonets fixed.

Because?  There is a revolution overtaking a colony?  We need the economic
resouces?  Its such a lovely day for it?  All of the above?

The vast bulk of these kinds of battles were fought without the units having
much of an idea of why the fighting was strictly necessary, so in period
style, I'm more than happy to show up, be given my orders and take the
imperative for granted.

As long as we get to go fig to fig with some nasty, mean, ugly, ungodly, spawn-
of-the-devil, need-to-be-dead-now, not us types.

People from over the hill and around the corner would be fine.

So how does one fix a bayonet to a musket?  Does one assume its there, or
start strapping knives or cutlasses to barrels with teeny tiny leather
straps.  Lock and stock doesn't have quite the impact of lock, stock *and*

I'll have to build some heavy cannon obviously (even if they do count as siege
weapons and we're not allowed to use them ;-)

Might have to go back to the video store and rent Zulu (again), and make some
notes ;-)

Still periodically going...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Studfest: Part the Fifth (Re: LegOz 2000.8 - BrikWars)
(...) Bugg..bother. I'll have a word with myself about specks and planks in eyes later. I did mean medieval, i.e. TL 2. IIRC that's what everyone's got quite a bit of, and can do some scenery (with cool barred windows) for. Some exceptions might be (...) (24 years ago, 7-Aug-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LegOz 2000.X - BrikWars
(...) Hilarity is fairly important in my fun factor. I think grossly uneven (or at least very different) forces, surprises in the scenery and great big SNAFU siege weapons add a lot to the game. Otherwise, I'm happy with these suggestions. Rationale (...) (24 years ago, 7-Aug-00, to

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