Re: launches... and it's big!
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 04:45:21 GMT
3213 times
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In, Paul Janssen wrote:
> In, Ray Sanders wrote:
> > In, Jake McKee wrote:
> > > Posting on vacation, yep I'm that dedicated! :)
> > >
> > > I just got this note from colleagues and couldn't stand waiting a week to
> > > post about it!
> > >
> > >
> > While I'm very very happy to see something like this happening, I will not
> > be
> > able to participate becuase I (like a few others here it seems) do not use
> > Windows. This page states
> > "LEGO Digital Designer is not Apple Macintosh compatible." This is not meant > to rehash
> > old debates, simply to point out that this offer is for the larger installed
> > base, not for "the rest of us".
> >
> > Ray Sanders
> > lugnet #124 (and Mac developer since '84)
> It had been indeed often been topic of debate, but I am afraid economics dictate
> this. As only 5-10% is non-PC user, it does not make business sense to develop a
> mac version. On the other hand, it is well known that the "average" Mac user has
> a much higher artistic capacity/potential than the "average" PC user, as has
> more thna once been surveyed. Thus, not having a mac version may cut of
> significantly more than 5% off users potentially interested in this program.
> Unfortunately, this number, even if corrected for "artistic" computer user
> preferences, will be too low to consider development for other platforms. Also,
> it is geared more towards kids, and they do not have a great deal (if any) to
> say in what computer they use, so the vast user base is per definition (simple
> marketshare) PC-users (by choice or not, but that really doesn't matter in a
> business decision. I've been an avid mac user for decades now, but have often
> been forced to use PC's too. Clearly, my preferecne is Mac, but I will un-dust a
> PC to try this LegoFactory thingie out, it looks really neat.
I'm also a Mac user, and am bummed that I won't be able to try this.
Something hits a nerve anytime anyone brings up the market share issue. Granted,
Apple's market share is pretty low among BUSINESS users. In schools and homes -
which is where the kids are, by the way - their share is much larger.
Besides, it's not that difficult to develop a cross-platform app as long as you
use the right tools.
I guess Logo's assimilation is complete :-(
- Paul
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: launches... and it's big!
| (...) Are you (general MAC-you, no one person in particular) trying to tell me (a PC-user) that MAC's don't have emulators to run non-MAC software on a MAC? I find that hard to believe. I even have an emulator to run MSX-games on my PC. I believe a (...) (20 years ago, 10-Nov-04, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: launches... and it's big!
| (...) It had been indeed often been topic of debate, but I am afraid economics dictate this. As only 5-10% is non-PC user, it does not make business sense to develop a mac version. On the other hand, it is well known that the "average" Mac user has (...) (20 years ago, 9-Nov-04, to
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