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Re: launches... and it's big!
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 04:45:21 GMT
3213 times
In, Paul Janssen wrote:
In, Ray Sanders wrote:
In, Jake McKee wrote:
Posting on vacation, yep I'm that dedicated! :)

I just got this note from colleagues and couldn't stand waiting a week to
post about it!

While I'm very very happy to see something like this happening, I will not
able to participate becuase I (like a few others here it seems) do not use
Windows. This page states
"LEGO Digital Designer is not Apple Macintosh compatible." This is not meant > to rehash
old debates, simply to point out that this offer is for the larger installed
base, not for "the rest of us".

Ray Sanders
lugnet #124 (and Mac developer since '84)

It had been indeed often been topic of debate, but I am afraid economics dictate
this. As only 5-10% is non-PC user, it does not make business sense to develop a
mac version. On the other hand, it is well known that the "average" Mac user has
a much higher artistic capacity/potential than the "average" PC user, as has
more thna once been surveyed. Thus, not having a mac version may cut of
significantly more than 5% off users potentially interested in this program.
Unfortunately, this number, even if corrected for "artistic" computer user
preferences, will be too low to consider development for other platforms. Also,
it is geared more towards kids, and they do not have a great deal (if any) to
say in what computer they use, so the vast user base is per definition (simple
marketshare) PC-users (by choice or not, but that really doesn't matter in a
business decision. I've been an avid mac user for decades now, but have often
been forced to use PC's too. Clearly, my preferecne is Mac, but I will un-dust a
PC to try this LegoFactory thingie out, it looks really neat.

I'm also a Mac user, and am bummed that I won't be able  to try this.

Something hits a nerve anytime anyone brings up the market share issue. Granted,
Apple's market share is pretty low among BUSINESS users. In schools and homes -
which is where the kids are, by the way - their share is much larger.

Besides, it's not that difficult to develop a cross-platform app as long as you
use the right tools.

I guess Logo's assimilation is complete  :-(

- Paul

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: launches... and it's big!
(...) Are you (general MAC-you, no one person in particular) trying to tell me (a PC-user) that MAC's don't have emulators to run non-MAC software on a MAC? I find that hard to believe. I even have an emulator to run MSX-games on my PC. I believe a (...) (20 years ago, 10-Nov-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: launches... and it's big!
(...) It had been indeed often been topic of debate, but I am afraid economics dictate this. As only 5-10% is non-PC user, it does not make business sense to develop a mac version. On the other hand, it is well known that the "average" Mac user has (...) (20 years ago, 9-Nov-04, to

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