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 Instructions / 377
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Re: Instructions for the Cathedral Board Game
lugnet.inst, lugnet.gaming
Mon, 5 May 2003 12:07:20 GMT
5071 times
In lugnet.inst, Richard Marchetti writes:
In lugnet.inst, Jason Spears writes:

Great! Here's a link to Jason's original photos:

Actually that is a link to Gary Thomas' version.  He was the first to create
it.  His was inspiration for mine.  Pictures of my version in the brick can
be see here:

My own version that I made months ago can temporarily be seen here:


My only significant differences are those on the cathedral piece itself
(mine is very cross-like, esp. from above, and much shorter), and my playing
field is green (as yours was originally).

I think green looks nice, and might have gone with that myself, except I
don't have anywhere near that many green 2x2 tiles.  Guess I don't buy many
soccer sets.  I did notice that your bridge piece has 2 1x6x1 arches under
it, good addition. :)

Many thanks, Jason!  A very cool project.

-- Hop-Frog


Jason Spears
MichLUG -
My MOCpage -

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Instructions for the Cathedral Board Game
(...) (URL) own version that I made months ago can temporarily be seen here: (URL) only significant differences are those on the cathedral piece itself (mine is very cross-like, esp. from above, and much shorter), and my playing field is green (as (...) (22 years ago, 5-May-03, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.gaming)

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