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 Instructions / 376
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Re: Instructions for the Cathedral Board Game
lugnet.inst, lugnet.gaming
Mon, 5 May 2003 09:00:56 GMT
5149 times
In lugnet.inst, Jason Spears writes:

Great! Here's a link to Jason's original photos:

My own version that I made months ago can temporarily be seen here:

My only significant differences are those on the cathedral piece itself
(mine is very cross-like, esp. from above, and much shorter), and my playing
field is green (as yours was originally).

It was terrific fun reversing your designs and comparing with the designs
from the Cathedral website ( The
very important "How to Play" instructions can be found there, of course (I'd
post a more direct link but the frames resist a direct link, instead find
the link in the left navigation frame).

Many thanks, Jason!  A very cool project.

-- Hop-Frog

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Instructions for the Cathedral Board Game
(...) it. His was inspiration for mine. Pictures of my version in the brick can be see here: (URL)My own version that I made months ago can temporarily be seen here: (...) I think green looks nice, and might have gone with that myself, except I (...) (22 years ago, 5-May-03, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: Instructions for the Cathedral Board Game
(...) That layout almost looks like it's not made from LEGO. :) The reason I mean this to be complimentary is that it's just so clean and smooth looking. It looks not unlike a commercially produced game, where the pieces have been molded in exactly (...) (22 years ago, 6-May-03, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
  Instructions for the Cathedral Board Game
Well I got around to creating instructions for my version of the Cathedral board game. Here they are: (URL) Orginal thread about this game is here: (URL) Spears MichLUG - (URL) MOCpage - (URL) (22 years ago, 2-May-03, to lugnet.inst,, lugnet.cad, lugnet.castle, lugnet.gaming, !! 

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