Re: The LEGO Revival Survey
Wed, 27 Jul 2005 12:02:43 GMT
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In lugnet.general, Patrick McFarland wrote:
> Dan Thompson wrote:
> > There is still a little time left. Hopefully people are just
> > procratinating and will respond soon.
> I'd be great if there was a web form for this. I could pass it around to
> AFOLs that aren't in any of these communities that are featuring this
> survey.
> Also, maybe you should get this survey mentioned on the larger geek news
> websites, like Slashdot? or Kuro5hin? You'll get dozens if not hundreds of
> responses that way.
Yes, an automated web form would have been better in some respects but I don't
know how to do that and as simple posts people can edit their responses if they
want to. I don't want off the cuff answers, I wanted people to think about what
they were writing and to make it valuable.
I am not familiar with geek websites. I think it may be too late to get these
posted there. Though if you have some initiative and were willing to help out I
have no problem with that. You may post the survey to any site it would be
useful on. Be sure to let me know how to find the replies though.
Any help is much appreciated.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: The LEGO Revival Survey
| (...) I'd be great if there was a web form for this. I could pass it around to AFOLs that aren't in any of these communities that are featuring this survey. Also, maybe you should get this survey mentioned on the larger geek news websites, like (...) (19 years ago, 26-Jul-05, to lugnet.general)
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