Re: If you could wish for any single Lego element, what would it be?
Mon, 25 Apr 2005 04:26:51 GMT
1724 times
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In lugnet.general, Rocco J. Carello wrote:
> > 1) half of a 1/2 Pyramid (triple) regular slope, call it a 1/4 Pyramid.
> Interesting, but I don't know if I can think of many situations where this part
> would be needed instead of the existing half pyramid.
> > 2) the valley part of a 2x2 regular slope inside corner (double concave),
> > call it a 1x1 double concave.
> This seems like it would make it more difficult to build valleys and dormers
> because this part would not have anything to attach to unless you spent more
> time building supports beneath the roof. I feel the existing double concave
> brick is more than adequate, but perhaps I'm missing something?
> (snipped the rest)
> Rocco
The 1/4 pyramid could be used for the peak of a 2 sided hip roof (in the armpit
of an "L" shaped building on a square/rectangular base.
The 1/4 pyramid (1x1 double convex) and the 1x1 double concave have a lot of
uses besides on a roof. For example you could use either of these types on
facet bricks like this one in Bricklink:
With 2x2 double convex or 2x2 double concave you could only use 2 of those types
(and not cover all concave/convex studs) whereas with the 1x1 double convex or
double concave, you could use 3 of them to cover all concave/convex studs.
Gary Istok
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