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Re: If you could wish for any single Lego element, what would it be?
Mon, 25 Apr 2005 04:26:51 GMT
1724 times
In lugnet.general, Rocco J. Carello wrote:

1) half of a 1/2 Pyramid (triple) regular slope, call it a 1/4 Pyramid.

Interesting, but I don't know if I can think of many situations where this part
would be needed instead of the existing half pyramid.

2) the valley part of a 2x2 regular slope inside corner (double concave),
call it a 1x1 double concave.

This seems like it would make it more difficult to build valleys and dormers
because this part would not have anything to attach to unless you spent more
time building supports beneath the roof. I feel the existing double concave
brick is more than adequate, but perhaps I'm missing something?

(snipped the rest)


The 1/4 pyramid could be used for the peak of a 2 sided hip roof (in the armpit
of an "L" shaped building on a square/rectangular base.

The 1/4 pyramid (1x1 double convex) and the 1x1 double concave have a lot of
uses besides on a roof.  For example you could use either of these types on
facet bricks like this one in Bricklink:

With 2x2 double convex or 2x2 double concave you could only use 2 of those types
(and not cover all concave/convex studs) whereas with the 1x1 double convex or
double concave, you could use 3 of them to cover all concave/convex studs.

Gary Istok

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: If you could wish for any single Lego element, what would it be?
(...) My one wish would be a double concave 75 degree slope in black, and it would be sold to the public in a pack of various black 75 degree slopes. (...) Yes, that would be wonderful as well. An inside corner (double concave) like this would also (...) (20 years ago, 24-Apr-05, to lugnet.general)

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