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Re: So TLC can build and sell decent sets if they really want to...
Fri, 28 May 2004 11:00:36 GMT
1004 times
I was doubtfull myself, but we got a confirmation from LEGO.

The set will come out. More details are missing, but at least now we know it is
not a fake (unless LEGO is in it :)


Marck F.
De Bouwsteen

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  So TLC can build and sell decent sets if they really want to...
Dear AFOLs, found this in the discussion forums of - a big thanks to Thekla for the picture. (URL) So, if TLC really, really wants, they still can make decent sets, even usable for world city & co. Now lets see how it is priced... (...) (21 years ago, 25-May-04, to lugnet.general)  

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