BTW, non-Aussies and wanna-be Aussies can fill this out too ;)... I guess I
should fill this out ;)
From reading past comments of others... I guess it won't matter if I display
some of my own sarcasm...
(silly cap on)
In lugnet.loc.au, Melody Brown wrote:
> RE: An Australian Brickfest type event for the year 2005.
> Hi all, To help things move along, I thought it might be a good idea and some
> fun for all interested, to answer the below... (copy and paste the following
> questions)
> Where are you from?
A place that reaches around 42 degrees in late Summer, called Brisbane.
> What is your occupation and who do you work for?
Sometimes I wonder myself... and the same answer for that question too... (gosh,
who came up with these anyway????)...
> What should Australias first larger private/public event/show/convention/fest
> etc be called? (Please, only three choices).
Hmmmm Brixpo? BDU05? (Bricks Down Under 2005) - Bricks 'R' Oz? - BRICKAR005?
(brick roo (kangaroo) 005 (year 2005) but looks like brick a roo's ;))
Oh, that was four... ;)
> Where should the event be held?
> Melbourne
> Sydney
> Adelaide
> Perth
> Brisbane
> Other?
My LEGO room... "Honey, I blew up the Minifigs" = instant megafest!
Sydney mainly cause of it's centralness...
> When should it take place?
> During School Holidays?
> After School Holidays?
> June long weekend?
> Early 2005?
> Late 2005?
> 2006?
> Other
Doesn't matter as long as it happens...
> How many days should the event take place over? Answering that, how many days
> would you attend the event?
Whatever is needed, also depends on what is on offer for entertainment.
> Should there be an entry fee/ticket and how much should the fee/ticket cost? How
> much would you be willing to pay?
I'd pay whatever is in my wallet at the time.
> How many people do you think would attend such an event?
> Less than 30
> 30
> 50 or more
> 100
> Hundreds
> Other
Hopefully more than just myself and a minifig in my pocket.
(Hopefully a lot more than expected).
> Would you prefer it if the LEGO group/company were involved or would you prefer
> for them not to be?
Yes I would, it would nice to see them work along side us to help each other
out, they provide us with as much support to make this a success and we try to
bring in interest to make them sales/fans and more AFOL's and the like and
promote LEGO in general etc...
> Would you like to help organise it? If so how would you like to participate?
Sure, why not... I'll start with bringing some tissues... we'll need them
because it was a disaster or because it was so beautiful, we cried happy
But, yes I would if others wouldn't mind that happening... I promise to behave
> Would you want it to attract others from other nations?
Yeah sure, George Bush would be great to attract along... we could have a
competition of who can sculpt his head out of LEGO, I'm sure we'd have some
lovely looking ______ heads ;)
> How could/would the event be better than what other events around the world have
> to offer?
We could look at what others have to offer and either do similar or make better
or come up with things they didn't think of, make it as entertaining as
> Who would you like to attend?
> AFOLs only
> Public
> Both
Everyone! and bring ya dogs and cats too... actually, maybe not they need
somewhere to pee.
> What would you like to see at the event?
Everything I have ever dreamt of seeing in an Australian LEGO Convention kinda
thingy. So many things that you'd need more than a day or two.
> How should it be organised?
With great and well thought-out planning, with some great sponsorship and a
bunch of great AFOL's helping out in every possible way they can.
> What sort of Audience should the event attract?
> AFOLs only
> School Children and Children
> Everyone
Everyone possible! We need more AFOL/KFOL :)
> If the event turned out to be a success, would you attend another?
> If yes, when?
> The year after
> Two years time
> Never
Yep, whenever poss.
> If you would attend the next one should it be held in the same place again or
> another destination in another state?
Depends how well the first went.. otherwise somewhere different would be good,
unless people were expecting it to be at the same place next year.
> Would you donate any of your unwanted LEGO to the East Timor Children? (If
> there were a deposit box at the event etc).
Yes, why not? I don't use those ugly yucky (discoloured - oh wait, that's the
new grey... ;) lol j/k!) pieces in my collection
> Do you think it would be a cool idea if LEGO organised a RLD (Red Letter Day -
> refer to UK posts) type event, for those who were interested?
Yes, and what I meant by this who were/are all confused, is that at part of that
event they have a nice large pile of unusual LEGO and everyone gets to take home
I think 1-2 KG of it :), wouldn't that be nice... I didn't mean having the whole
show like they do, but some of it would be good, like that.
> Do you think it would be cool if LEGO gave us a chance (if ever possible) to buy
> bulk bricks from the event?
Yes, that would be such a nice gesture ;) But it would be just awesome!!! I'd be
like a kid in a candystore trying out all the new flavours.
> Would you like to buy stuff not normally available to us at the event?
Yes I would! would be cool if there was some goodies that we didn't expect. <--
note I said 'goodies'.
> Would you like to see a World Record type activity held at the event?
For kids, that would be interesting and it's not like LEGO haven't done this
here in Australia either.
> Would you like to see a Commemorative Brick, especially made for us, at the
> event? (Like the Promotional Duplo bricks).
Yes I would! with a kangaroo on one side (with a brick in his pouch) and some
details on the otherside... and yes, I do collect these :D
> If you were from Overseas, would you like to attend an event like this held in
> Australia? If so, would you like to contribute anything towards it? (Display,
> Presentation etc).
Sorry, that should have said 'are' and not were...
> What do you think would be the overall ideal event to be held for Australias
> first large event like this? (besides whatever LEGO already do and the National
> meets).
To have an awesome opening, a lot of interest, people asking us questions and
basically having a good time in all areas... and then at the end of it all,
seeing them walking out with large carry bags full of LEGO they bought that was
sold there :D
> What was the last event/show/convention/fest etc did you last attend that meant
> the most to you? What was the highlight of it?
I guess the meet we had in Brisbane... and seeing people from other parts of OZ
turn up!
> Anything I have missed that you would like to add?
yep most likely... as always...
> Have fun :)
> Mel
Mel, again... (who is convinced that Marge Simpson keeps a stack of 2x2 bricks,
making her hair high and straight).
(silly cap off)
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