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 General / 31410
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Re: Dome idea
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 20:34:52 GMT
92 times
In, Scott Sanburn writes:
Indeed. The next time a GATS exhibitor comes and complains about how LEGO
displays / products / trains are just a child's toy, we will launch a full
nuclear strike on thier layout, heh heh. : )

Scott "Mommy, the LEGO people are launching missiles again!" ;)


  Just in case you run out.  ;)



Yes, I love it!!!! It reminds me of Armegeddon! Where in the world did you
get a 4 stud cone top? I never saw one of those before!

   Dr. Strangelove was the actual inspiration for all of that
   silliness--granted, it's not a bomb per se, but I just *had*
   to put him on there.  ;)

   (The following portion is why I've XP'd to .general)

   As for the 4x4x3 (I think) cone, I got it in a load of parts
   from a fellow in Germany.  They're awful scratched up and
   slightly discolored, but they *do* say "LEGO" on the stud at
   the top.  However, I had never seen them before, either--so
   I can't quite figure out *what* set they came from.  I can
   at any rate say that this is the very first really good use
   I've had for one.  :)

"Please get off the nuclear missile!"

   I never saw that movie--is there a guy on a missile with a
   ten-gallon hat?



Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Dome idea
Lindsay & All, (...) Hmm.. I don't know if I remember that one or not. (...) Indeed. Nice part! (...) Just about, when they were drilling on the asteroid, the genious guy was going nuts, and was riding the missile just like you rpicture (without the (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jun-01, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Dome idea
(...) Probably from set 358 rocket base (early 70's). There was definitely one in that set; I don't know of any others. Cheers Richie Dulin Patrician of Brick-Morpork (24 years ago, 28-Jun-01, to, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Dome idea
Lindsay, (...) Yes, I love it!!!! It reminds me of Armegeddon! Where in the world did you get a 4 stud cone top? I never saw one of those before! "Please get off the nuclear missile!" Scott (24 years ago, 27-Jun-01, to

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