If I remember correctly in the snippet of illicit material which shall not be
mentioned I believe there was some reference to Action Team stuff.
Tim (who doesn't want to p!!! anyone off by mentioning the banned 2XX1 set listing)
Dave Low wrote:
> In lugnet.games.lego.creator, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
> > snippage<
> > Two LEGO Media titles I hadn't heard of before are mentioned as "Coming Soon":
> > LEGO Action Team and LEGO Stunt Rally. No pictures or other info there...
> > So while eating my yum-yum cereal, I'll be holding my breath for more of that
> > amazing LEGO software. ...heh. right.
> >
> > -Suz.
> The new Euro/Australian catalogue features LEGO Stunt Rally next to the
> new "Race" subtheme. I suppose the game features the four new characters. See:
> http://members.fortunecity.com/ben_whytcross/catalogues/2000_2/page44.jpg
> and
> http://members.fortunecity.com/ben_whytcross/catalogues/2000_2/page45.jpg
> (thanks Ben!)
> LEGO Action Team is a new game for PC and Gameboy. In it you "command your own
> elite team in a covert operation to stop the fiendish Ogel from using his mind-
> control devices to take over the world". See
> http://members.fortunecity.com/ben_whytcross/catalogues/2000_2/page6.jpg
> for a picture.
> There's no mention of whether Ogel has constructed the Terror Robot L-3GO, but
> I wouldn't be surprised. The real question is whether this will become a new
> theme. Obviously it has heaps of potential -- I think international espionage
> will make a nice change from Legoland's usual pattern of crimewaves and
> natural disasters. Or are we just going to see a couple of boxes of Mini
> Heroes?
> --Dave
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