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 Games / *124 (-20)
Markus Wolf skrev i meddelandet ... (...) What speed is your computer? Do you get hardware acceleration in CREATOR? We (my kids and I) have played quite a bit with CREATOR, and we've managed to fly all right (try to make it home before the dynamite (...) (25 years ago, 2-Apr-00, to, lugnet.general)
(...) That sounds great. I just got the first Lego creator and I'm somewhat disappointed with the inability to turn bricks at certain axis and controlling the minifig through the environment. BTW, has anyone figured out how to pilot a flying vehicle (...) (25 years ago, 31-Mar-00, to, lugnet.general)
  Tunnel transport
Can anyone here please tell me how to use the tunnel transport? I can't figure out how to make it transport things around:( I quite like the game, although it is running a bit slow on my K62-300, but that could be due to the general state of (...) (25 years ago, 28-Mar-00, to
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but I was looking at a set of promotional catalogue pages that were sent to a 'local' toy shop, and saw that there will be a new version of Creator being released this year, with what appears to be an (...) (25 years ago, 27-Mar-00, to, lugnet.general)  
  Re: Heh. I need better glasses.
(...) I'd like to hear your impressions once you've played the game, to see if anyone else shares my opinion. I bought it very soon after it was released and played a mission or so every now and then, but was more occupied with other games during (...) (25 years ago, 23-Mar-00, to
  Heh. I need better glasses.
I just thought I wanted to share this with you. After spending two days battling with Rock Raiders to make it run (after selecting mission, it simply died) I finally figured out, that I had to select my graphics card:) Haven't formed an opinion of (...) (25 years ago, 20-Mar-00, to
  Re: LEGOland Game Out Yet?
(...) It's here in the US... -Shiri (25 years ago, 17-Mar-00, to,
  LEGOland Game Out Yet?
Has the LEGOland game been released yet? If so, it hasn't made it to this part of the world but all the others have (Racers, Friends, Rock Raiders etc.). Grahame (in New Zealand) (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to,
  Game question, help!!!!
What software game would be good to get for a very bright 4 year old? He likes train, town, Technic etc. He's good at building, however I am not sure how hard these games are and how much playability they have after the "scene" is built. Please help (...) (25 years ago, 16-Mar-00, to
  Re: Who has a great MOC lego game?
(...) You're right. I should up the lego brick count. In current rules, you get a brick every time a minifig visits, and 3 for every property you've visited at the end of a round. So, for the first round, you'd receive 12 bricks. The longer the game (...) (25 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to
  Re: Who has a great MOC lego game?
Hi Markus! I like that idea, I love monopoly. Two years ago I had this project for graphics class, I designed a 'my town' monopoly game, with pictures, streets and areas of my home-town (Kfar Vradim, or Rose Village, a truly beautiful place) (1). (...) (25 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to
  Re: Who has a great MOC lego game?
(...) Hmm, this may be not quite What you are after... I designed a strategy game many years ago intending to make a paper/cardboard game w/ counters. Eventually, I gave up and then realized that Lego pieces would make the ultimate boards/pieces for (...) (25 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to
  Re: Who has a great MOC lego game?
(...) And there I was just thinking that it could do with some orc-figs and a handful of d20s :) I tried making a board game by combining <part:4150> and <part:2654>, over the Christmas holiday.. but I didn't have enough of each colour :( They do (...) (25 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to
  Who has a great MOC lego game?
I'm toying with creating my own lego game in the spirit of monopoly (in a round about way), using the tiles in my kitchen as the game board. I don't have a website of my own but was interested if anyone had created some fun basic (read: non role (...) (25 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to
  Re: Fright Knights playing cards (was: Re: My personal FOTW)
(...) Yeah: The prices! :) They're discounted from S@H prices, but for sets currently on store shelves, they're still in the same realm as TRU and a little more expensive than a Wal-Mart or Target-like store. I was actually a little disappointed. (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,,
  Re: Fright Knights playing cards (was: Re: My personal FOTW)
Two guys walk into a bar. Jeff Johnston <> says: (...) I picked mine up from the outlet store here in Georgia that people were ordering Wolfpack Renegade sets from (which, by the way, they didn't have any left on the shelves a (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Fright Knights playing cards (was: Re: My personal FOTW)
(...) I don't know if they were very limited, but I've seen them nowhere else yet. (...) Correction: I am dutch, but I live in Austria. The only thing Austria has to do with Belgium at the moment, is that the belgium Government is on of the most (...) (25 years ago, 4-Mar-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,
  Re: Fright Knights playing cards (was: Re: My personal FOTW)
(...) You could always watch ebay. I found a deck of the Fright Knight cards and a pencil eraser shaped like the king of the Royal Knights for $3.25 plus shipping. The previous owner had picked them up at the Lego Center at the Mall of America in (...) (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Fright Knights playing cards (was: Re: My personal FOTW)
Hah! Talk to me when you spend that much in a day - my CC would have just about melted in Jan if I had been running them through readers rather than calling in orders ;-) (...) -- | Tom Stangl, Technical Support Netscape Communications Corp | Please (...) (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,,
  Re: Fright Knights playing cards (was: Re: My personal FOTW)
(...) If anyone wants, I'm going to the VA outlet sat morning, I can pick up a pack of cards(provided they have them) and ship them for probably less the the outlet would charge. Let me know by 9pm tonight. -Chris (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,

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