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Re: Fright Knights playing cards (was: Re: My personal FOTW)
lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,,
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 12:56:55 GMT
5327 times
In article <>, Todd Lehman  <> wrote:
Wicked excellent!  Those LEGO Outlet stores are too good to be true.  (Is there
anything about them that ISN'T totally awesome?)

Yeah: The prices! :) They're discounted from S@H prices, but for sets
currently on store shelves, they're still in the same realm as TRU and
a little more expensive than a Wal-Mart or Target-like store.

I was actually a little disappointed. I'd heard tales of wonder, wolfpack
sets and all sorts of neat stuff... I walked in fully expecting to put
about a $200 dent into my checkbook.

I spent $35.

In retrospect, it's really a neat place, and everyone who gets a chance
should wander by a Lego Outlet Store. But don't get it into your head
that you're going to find Lego cheaper there than anywhere else, or that
they'll have dozens of sets you can't get on store shelves anymore.

J.D. Forinash                                     ,-.                            ( <
The more you learn, the better your luck gets.    `-'

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fright Knights playing cards (was: Re: My personal FOTW)
(...) Wicked excellent! Those LEGO Outlet stores are too good to be true. (Is there anything about them that ISN'T totally awesome?) --Todd (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.castle,,

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