Re: Fright Knights playing cards (was: Re: My personal FOTW)
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 10:57:05 GMT
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On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Frank Filz (<>) wrote at
> Oh, in my list of non-LEGO building elements, I forgot clothing... (what about
> the watches, I was looking at them in the store and couldn't determine if they
> had anything which was compatible with the building elements).
When I was at LLW, they had some nice backpacks for children. the tabs
on the zips *looked* like they had the correct stud dimensions to be
usable. What other clothing items are compatible?
And the watches aren't compatible with 'normal' LEGO, even though they
are made of interlocking pieces. But the plastic boxes that the latest
generation of timepieces come in *do* have a single stud on each half of
the lid :-)
Tony Priestman
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