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Re: BrikWars Supernatural Rules Bug Fix?
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 15:39:10 GMT
12 times
"Mike Rayhawk" <> wrote in message

And on a related note:

3. I was really looking forward to hearing how Joe's superheroes game • played
out, but apart from a quick glance at Todd's ten million photos I haven't
received any good dishing.  Anybody?

Yeah, that's my fault, but blame Shaun anyway.

I promise to get a writeup out there.  Since I left my notes over at
Jonathan's, I couldn't remember the specifics, but I now have that info
back.  Stay tuned!

- Joe

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BrikWars Supernatural Rules Bug Fix?
(...) A couple of things I meant to mention yesterday but didn't have time: 1. Blatant attempts like this to circumvent the SP limits set by the other players are a lot less likely if some or all of the other players each bring a good-sized Hammer (...) (22 years ago, 5-Apr-03, to lugnet.gaming)

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