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Best Offer Sales vs. Sealed Bid Auctions(was Re: 8480 Technic Shuttles)
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.faq
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 00:26:26 GMT
! (details)
101 times
Crossposted to FAQ for future reference

Key Words for searches:  Sealed Bid Auctions, Best Offer, OBO, SBA.

In lugnet.admin.general, Todd Lehman writes:
No, you've got it right -- OBOs do belong in .buy-sell-trade.  Considering
the best offer among multiple offers is a completely natural part of putting
something up for sale or possible sale.  SBAs belong in .auction.  The two
are similar in underlying algorithm but very different in human perception.

The original discussion only started because someone felt it was inappropriate
to post an OBO into .buy-sell-trade...they said that an OBO sales were a kind
of auction.  An OBO sale is about as much an auction as a scarf is a glove.


This is the definitive answer many of us have been looking for.  Thank You,
Todd, for stating this so clearly.  Among all of the other past discussions, I
do not remember ever reading this interpretation as clear-cut and definitive as
your statement above.

One suggestion:
The page  currently has no text, etc. in the left
column.  Perhaps the lugnet definitions of OBO and SBA could be listed there as
a quick quide for any future postings.  This could also include links to some
past .admin duscussions regarding these matters.

__Kevin Salm__

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 8480 Technic Shuttles
(...) No, you've got it right -- OBOs do belong in .buy-sell-trade. Considering the best offer among multiple offers is a completely natural part of putting something up for sale or possible sale. SBAs belong in .auction. The two are similar in (...) (25 years ago, 2-Apr-00, to lugnet.admin.general) ! 

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