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Re: BricksWest 2003 Keynote and Q&A Session Transcrits
Fri, 21 Feb 2003 15:26:10 GMT
2588 times
"Ahui Herrera" <> wrote in message

Just to clarify, I'm a fast typist but I don't claim to get stuff word • for
word, so "transcript" isn't quite the right meaning here. Think of it • more
as a summary or interpretation where I try to catch as much as I can, but
it's filtered through how I word things and what words are faster to • type.

However this bit above I think Ahui corrected to match more closely since • he
was working from tape.

This sort of raises a question really, is the highly inaccurate but very
rapid summation/mangle/shorthand that gets done actually valuable or • would
it be better to wait a bit and work from a recording? I'd always assumed
that there was value in speed. Maybe not.

I dunno.

Some of the audio on the tape is NOT very audioable. =(  So I left some of
the stuff as is from Larry's original typing.  If people want I can strip
the audio from the video and mp3 it and then post it to the brickshelf
account of BW.  Is there an interest in doing this?

I will NOT do it if there is NO interst for it.  After this week I will be
taking a 1 month NO LEGO vacation to relax after this event.  I've got • some
minor things to tie up and then out of the LEGO world I will go.


To start, I just want to thank all those who went to the trouble of getting
a transcript up for those not present and (myself) do not recall every
question and answer.

One suggestion I would like to pass along-  I do recall some people asking a
question but having to repeat it because some of us (including myself) could
not hear it completely the first time.  A suggestion for next years's BW
would be to have select people (wearing a tag or something) in the audience,
say three or so (right, middle, left), w/ cordless mics they could pass
along to whomever is asking the question. Those three would be in charge of
the mic for what section of the room they'd cover.  When someone asking the
question gets an answer, the mic would be passed back to the person in
charge of it to help keep things orderly.  It would be something like you'd
see on talk shows on tv.

I don't know much about sound systems (Paul Thomas to the rescue) but if we
could patch the mic into some recording devise it would make the
transcription process a bit easier.

Just an idea.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: BricksWest 2003 Keynote and Q&A Session Transcrits
I have the 3 wireless mics needed. Paul Sinasohn LUGNET #115 BAYLUG (22 years ago, 21-Feb-03, to,
  Re: BricksWest 2003 Keynote and Q&A Session Transcrits
Adr, Next year if asked to my company will be taking care of all A/V needs including wireless mic's for the crowd. Paul Thomas (...) (22 years ago, 23-Feb-03, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BricksWest 2003 Keynote and Q&A Session Transcrits
<snip> (...) This sort of raises a question really, is the highly inaccurate but very (...) Some of the audio on the tape is NOT very audioable. =( So I left some of the stuff as is from Larry's original typing. If people want I can strip the audio (...) (22 years ago, 21-Feb-03, to

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