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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 1107
1106  |  1108
Re: Castle World - The Isle of Mist
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 15:36:40 GMT
655 times
The main page and map page loaded fine for me until I got this error "The
web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer"
and now I can't get anything. :(

In, Chris Maddison writes:
Fellow denizens of Castle World,

We are proud to bring you The Isle of Mist.

But first, some things you should know about this
fabled island:

We've decided to do it in realtime.  This means
starting from the day you make and take pictures/post
about some sort of craft to get you to the isle, your
journey begins.  It takes one week to travel by sea, 4 days by air,
from wherever you are in the great lego world.

Once that "travel period" is over, you are there.
There are 4 locations people can land at (i.e., mist
has lifted).  They are shown and discussed more in the
map section of the page.  Also, this island has
strange reactions to magic; magic ceases to work in
proximity to the mist.  So, no cheaters just
teleporting to the island and such. :-)

That's all we're going to tell you for now.  You'll
just have to wait and see for the rest.  On behalf of
myself and the rest of the CW Admin, good luck on your


Message is in Reply To:
  Castle World - The Isle of Mist
Fellow denizens of Castle World, We are proud to bring you The Isle of Mist. But first, some things you should know about this fabled island: We've decided to do it in realtime. This means starting from the day you make and take pictures/post about (...) (23 years ago, 5-Oct-01, to, lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce) !! 

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