Re: Castle World - The Isle of Mist
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 15:36:40 GMT
655 times
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The main page and map page loaded fine for me until I got this error "The
web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer"
and now I can't get anything. :(
In, Chris Maddison writes:
> Fellow denizens of Castle World,
> We are proud to bring you The Isle of Mist.
> But first, some things you should know about this
> fabled island:
> We've decided to do it in realtime. This means
> starting from the day you make and take pictures/post
> about some sort of craft to get you to the isle, your
> journey begins. It takes one week to travel by sea, 4 days by air,
> from wherever you are in the great lego world.
> Once that "travel period" is over, you are there.
> There are 4 locations people can land at (i.e., mist
> has lifted). They are shown and discussed more in the
> map section of the page. Also, this island has
> strange reactions to magic; magic ceases to work in
> proximity to the mist. So, no cheaters just
> teleporting to the island and such. :-)
> That's all we're going to tell you for now. You'll
> just have to wait and see for the rest. On behalf of
> myself and the rest of the CW Admin, good luck on your
> journeys.
> -Chris
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