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MLCAD Suggestions
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 17:02:31 GMT
2214 times
After several weeks of heavy MLCAD use, I offer these suggestions for
future versions (or perhaps these features are available and I just
haven't found them):

Decimals for position:  currently if a part's possition contains decimals,
pressing one of the movement arrows removes all the decimals.  Sometimes
this is helpfull, but sometimes it is disasterous.  For example, if I
rotate a technic beam on an axle hole, the beam's possition will contain
decimals.  If I then decide I need to move it by x=20 and hit the arrow
button, it loses all its decimals.  Note that if I drag it in the view
window, the decimals remain.  The ideal would be an option to turn
rounding on or off.

Rotation points:  this has certainly improved with the use of multiple
custom rotation points.  What would help is when I define a new custom
rotation point, there would be a way to copy the coordinates of the part
origin into the coordinates for the custom rotation point.  Or maybe even
a shortcut to select a part and create a custom rotation point from that
part's origin.

Enter Rotation:  The Enter Rotation and Orientation dialog box is
difficult to use to set the orientation.  Rather than (or perhaps in
addition to) the rotation vector values option, there should be a way to
simply enter three angles for x,y, and z.  I find it quite frustrating to
have to "head calculate" three factors applied to one angle in order to
achieve the needed result.

Multipart Files:  This part of MLCAD is just awesome!  The one option I
would like to see added is the ability to "refresh" one of the sub-models
from disk.  You have "remove model" and "import model" options, but to
"refresh" a submodel, I have to remove, then re-import the model, then
edit the reference in the main model.  A "refresh" option that would just
replace the contents of the sub-model with its contents on the disk would
be great.

UNDO!  A working undo feature would really be great, even if it only
"undoes" basic move and rotate actions.

And now for a real dream:  inclusion of Ldraw-mode-like support for
flexible elements.  If MLCAD could somehow utilize the programs that
create flexible elements, I'm sure we'd see many more people making use of
these elements.  They really add a professional touch to models.

Additionally, I found what might be considered a bug.  If you go into the
add-rotation-step dialoge, set to relative, and rotate the model using the
mouse, the "true" view of the model is different that what you set it to.
Pressing the "Preview" button will show the actual view angle that will be
used.  Also, if you subsequently just click on the model but don't move it
at all, the x and/or y values will change for each click.  The view on the
screen doesn't change until you hit the "Preview" button.

I'd be happy to further discuss any of these suggestions.  In any case,
thanks yet again, Michael, for creating and constantly improving this

-John Van

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: MLCAD Suggestions
John VanZwieten <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag: (...) Good idea, I will do something about this. (...) There will be something in V2.00 (...) I will see ... (...) Uhhh, this bit is hard, after (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
  Re: MLCAD Suggestions
"John VanZwieten" <> wrote in message (...) Thought of another good one. It would be handy to be able to cut/copy and paste lines between models. Opening a model seems to flush the (...) (24 years ago, 8-Dec-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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