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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 3472
3471  |  3473
Re: No mention of scale in file format doc
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 13:39:28 GMT
1577 times
In, Stefan Gustavson wrote:
1 LDU = .397 mm

Hmm.  Where did that figure come from?  I've been using 1 LDU = .4mm for quite
awhile now...

I was wondering about this number in that otherwise very
explanatory and very clear figure when I saw it in the
Brickfest presentation. I would strongly argue that Lego,
being a Danish creation, is in fact metric by design,
and that 1 LDU is actually *exactly* 0.4 mm.

heh.  Don't be *too* sure about that, I seem to remember seeing some early
evidence about measurements in English units.  But it's a vague memory, I
definitely don't recall the source.

My understanding is that the bricks aren't measured closely, but the *molds*
are!  Because of the (slight) shrinkage that occurs post-molding, lego parts
aren't actually a nice neat size.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: No mention of scale in file format doc
(...) some links about this topic: (URL) I use paul's figures: 1 LDU = 0.015625 inch = 0.396875 mm (20 years ago, 28-Feb-05, to
  Re: No mention of scale in file format doc
(...) Well, yes, and no. The bricks are not nearly as precise as the molds, but the dimensional tolerances for parts must certainly be a lot tighter than the difference between 1/64" and 0.4 mm. That difference is almost a full percent, so there is (...) (20 years ago, 2-Mar-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: No mention of scale in file format doc
(...) I was wondering about this number in that otherwise very explanatory and very clear figure when I saw it in the Brickfest presentation. I would strongly argue that Lego, being a Danish creation, is in fact metric by design, and that 1 LDU is (...) (20 years ago, 26-Feb-05, to

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