Re: No mention of scale in file format doc
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 16:16:02 GMT
1464 times
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> 1 LDU = .397 mm
I was wondering about this number in that otherwise very
explanatory and very clear figure when I saw it in the
Brickfest presentation. I would strongly argue that Lego,
being a Danish creation, is in fact metric by design,
and that 1 LDU is actually *exactly* 0.4 mm.
Isn't that what should be stated in this important,
semi-official standards defining document?
0.4 mm happens to be quite close to 1/64 inch, but
it's clearly different enough to matter.
An accurate metric caliper just told me that to within
an accuracy of a tenth of a millimeter, 16 stud spacings
on a baseplate measure 128 mm, definitely not 5" = 127 mm,
which would be the distance if 1 LDU = 1/64". I thus have
empiric data to support my case. :)
Stefan Gustavson
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: No mention of scale in file format doc
| (...) Hmm. Where did that figure come from? I've been using 1 LDU = .4mm for quite awhile now... (...) heh. Don't be *too* sure about that, I seem to remember seeing some early evidence about measurements in English units. But it's a vague memory, I (...) (20 years ago, 28-Feb-05, to
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