Re: The use of type 5 lines for smoothing of objects.
Tue, 21 May 2002 12:57:40 GMT
770 times
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In, Travis Cobbs writes:
> Completely ignore the control points in the type 5 lines.
> I don't normalize my normals along the way. Once they are all added
> together, I normalize the result. This kind of gives heavier weighting to
> larger polygons. I realize that this isn't really how it works, but the
> length of the cross product vector is related to the length of the two
> vectors that it is calculated from, so leaving them un-normalized tends to
> give more weight to bigger polygons.
If you ignore the type 5 control points, what points do you use to
generate the cross products? I would think to generate "fair" lengthy
vectors you'd have to use the center of gravity point for the adjacent
quads or triangles. Otherwise you won't get good results if say
one point of an adjacent quad is near, and the other is far.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: The use of type 5 lines for smoothing of objects.
| (...) I only use the actual (un-normalized) normals of the faces adjacent to the type 5 line. It's a little more complicated, because when a single point has multiple type 5 lines radiating out from it, the surface normal I compute at that point (...) (23 years ago, 21-May-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: The use of type 5 lines for smoothing of objects.
| (...) I think I listed most of them, but here are the ones I can think of: Calculated per part, not per dat file. Only calculated when an edge is an exact match with a type 5 line; this requires some extra work to accomplish. Completely ignore the (...) (23 years ago, 20-May-02, to
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