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 CAD / Development / 7222
7221  |  7223
Re: The use of type 5 lines for smoothing of objects.
Mon, 13 May 2002 19:53:34 GMT
741 times
You can move forword , backward and go left and right using the arrow keys.
The rotation has to be fixed. It now rotates about the x- and the y-axis of
the object instead of the screen axis (got to do some math to fix that).

In the hollow places there was no need for type 5 lines so part designers
dit not place them. I hope this changes in the future so programs might be
using techniques like this to make models look nicer.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The use of type 5 lines for smoothing of objects.
(...) Just out of curiosity, where is the light source in your demo program? The specular seems to be showing up at really odd times. I can't tell if the surface normals are pointed in the wrong direction or if the light is an unusual place, though. (...) (23 years ago, 14-May-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The use of type 5 lines for smoothing of objects.
(...) I wish it could zoom, and the spin seems backwards, however the smoothing looks quite nice in some spots. Especially the shoulders of the horse and the minifigs. The horse's belly and the backs of its legs don't smooth though. Probably because (...) (23 years ago, 13-May-02, to

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