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Re: terrain in LDraw
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 01:44:22 GMT
1002 times
Oh, I didn't know you'd made a DAT file out of that yet.  I just visited
your site and was looking at that model.  Very nice!

Would you consider contributing your model to my new village I'm building?
I'm trying to make it a screen north of Datsville.  I'm gonna try and get
the floor bitmap from Datsville and line up the river and raillines as well.
If you have the original PGM file with which you created the terrain for
Falling Water, send that to me too so I can incorporate it.  I've also
converted a USGS DEM file of Devil's Tower (in Utah, I think).  I'm gonna
build my buildings and towns in and around that.  I'll just paste your
terrain somewhere in there.  Also, I'm going to try and take a screen
capture of a road baseplate and paste it onto some of the terrain so the
roads follow the contours of the terrain.  Quite a project!  But, since it's
all been done before, I'm sure I'll be able to get some help and/or
direction from you guys if I need it (hopefully).

See ya!


In, Bram Lambrecht writes:
Mike Horvath writes:
I was wondering if you knew the pixel/stud ratio offhand.  This bit of
information might be useful for future reference.

1 pixel = 1 stud.  I used Jacob's utility to create the terrain for the CAD
scenes I did of Fallingwater:
To make the scene, I colored in a topographical map of the landscape with
white as high and black as low.  I saved it as a low quality JPEG to add
some texture.  I colored another image to reflect the river/stone/vegetated
areas.  I think I used Paint Shop Pro to create the PGM files. I used both
images with the utility to create the DAT file (all very slow on a P166 with
16 MB of RAM)  I then used L2P to convert the DAT file to a POV scene.  I
replaced the 1x1x5 bricks with a box and a cylinder to speed up rendering.
Working with the utilities and computer speed available at the time, it was
a rather labor intensive project.
I was at Fallingwater (the real thing) this weekend, and looking back at
these renderings, I see how inaccurate the scenery (and some of the model)
is.  I took some photos (when I was allowed to) of the sides of the building
you never see in published photos, so maybe someday I can try again for a
more realistic model...and who knows, maybe then I can do it in gray, tan,
and brown instead of black, white, and red.

Bram Lambrecht

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: terrain in LDraw
(...) 1 pixel = 1 stud. I used Jacob's utility to create the terrain for the CAD scenes I did of Fallingwater: (URL) make the scene, I colored in a topographical map of the landscape with white as high and black as low. I saved it as a low quality (...) (24 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to,

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