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Re: terrain in LDraw
Fri, 10 Aug 2001 13:46:06 GMT
638 times

Could you give some example command lines please?

pgm_to_ldraw -colour 2 -height 30 < terrain.pgm >

(or were you asking for a bit more than that?)

Lets try to make a 32 by 32 knob 30 plates high relatively
soft all-green landscape:

   fractal_landscape -width 32 -height 32 -h 0.95 -z_max 30
   pgm_to_ldraw -colour 2 -height 30 < terrain.pgm >
   ldglite-run -s0.5 terrain.dat

If we want to colour the landscape above as a beach, we
either have to make a copy of "terrain.pgm" which we edit by
hand, or we have to do something like the following rather
ugly piece of Perl+command interpreter:

   pnmdepth 9 < terrain.pgm | pnmnoraw | perl -pe
's/^9$/382/' | perl -pe 's/(^| )[012]( |$)/ blue /g' | perl
-pe 's/(^| )[34]( |$)/ sand /g' | perl -pe 's/(^| )[56789](
|$)/ green /g' | perl -pe 's/(^| )[012]( |$)/ blue /g' |
perl -pe 's/(^| )[34]( |$)/ sand /g' | perl -pe 's/(^|
)[56789]( |$)/ green /g' | perl -pe 's/blue/1/g' | perl -pe
's/sand/382/g' | perl -pe 's/green/2/g' >

(all on one line) The file "terrain-colour_map.pgm" now
contains LDraw colour numbers for blue, sand and green
depending on the height of that part of the terrain. We can
use this to make a "colour-mapped" terrain model:

   pgm_to_ldraw -map terrain-colour_map.pgm -height 30 <
terrain.pgm > terrain.dat
   ldglite-run -s0.5 terrain.dat

If we then want to fix the water level, we can do that too:

   echo "P2\n1 1\n30\n8" | pnmscale -width 32 -height 32 >
   pnmarith -maximum terrain-water_level.pgm terrain.pgm |
pnmnoraw > terrain-level_water.pgm
   pgm_to_ldraw -map terrain-colour_map.pgm -height 30 <
terrain-level_water.pgm > terrain.dat
   ldglite-run -s0.5 terrain.dat


PS: This example has been tested on a Linux system and
    depends on various other programs, which are not
    included in my fractal landscape generator package.
"It is very easy to get ridiculously confused about the
tenses of time travel, but most things can be resolved
by a sufficiently large ego."

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: terrain in LDraw
I wrote: [...] (...) [...] A slightly cleaned up version of this example can be found in the updated source distribution of my fractal landscape generator. Play well, Jacob -- (URL) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: terrain in LDraw
Jacob, Could you give some example command lines please? Gr. Jaco (...) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to

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