Re: Seams like a problem
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 05:37:12 GMT
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"Lars C. Hassing" <> wrote in message
> Dave Schuler wrote...
> > Lars Hassing in another thread recently pointed out that subparts contained
> > within the PARTS directory will appear with seams during rendering. Is there
> > any way to prevent this? More specifically, in which directory should one
> > place subparts if seams are not desired?
> In P or MODELS.
> Or inlined in your model DAT file.
> Or included in your model MPD file.
> If seams are not desired at all use -sw0.0001
> see
> I'm a bit uncertain what you mean by SUBparts. I would call the
> DAT files in PARTS for parts, and those in PARTS\S for subparts.
> L3P/L3Lab does not make seams for subparts, as the seams will be
> made for the part referencing the subpart. Also parts referenced
> by other parts will not have seams (a right wing referencing a
> mirrored left wing should not have seams twice).
> A model using two wings will have two references to the left wing,
> one with seams (referenced by the model) and one without
> (referenced by the right wing).
> The simple rule I use is:
> A reference to a DAT file will be made using seams,
> only if all of these conditions are fulfilled:
> 1) The DAT file is found in PARTS [1]
> 2) The DAT file referencing it is NOT from PARTS
> 3) The determinant of the reference matrix is +1 or -1 [2]
> /Lars
> [1] The "file" S\973s01.dat is considered being from PARTS.
> The backslash is treated as part of the filename, as LEdit/LDraw
> don't know the S subdirectory.
> If you reference 973s01.dat, it will NOT be found!
> [2] This third condition will be added to the coming L3P/L3Lab,
> see
Thanks for this info, Lars. I'll be updating LDView prior to releasing v1.0
to take these things into account. I'm probably going to take rule 2 and
recursively apply it up the line to verify that none of the ancestors are
parts. Does anybody see any problems with this?
I'm a little confused here, though, because it seems to me that rule 2 would
prevent the seams from appearing in subparts, as long as they are truly
that: SUBparts (although sub-subparts would have problems with a
single-level check for your parent being a part). If someone were to
reference a subpart directly, then seams would appear, of course. I think
the recursive check would prevent spurious seams for all subparts. Am I
missing something here?
Great job on tracking down #3, by the way; that's a truly nasty gotcha.
Needless to say, LDView currently exhibits the same problem when the seam
width is set to anything other than 0.
--Travis Cobbs (
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Seams like a problem
| Travis Cobbs wrote... (...) Yes, I think it is unncessary. Why would you do that? Besides it would hurt performance. With the current scheme I set a Seamable flag on LT1 references once during input. Then if seams are turned on I can simply test the (...) (24 years ago, 11-Oct-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Seams like a problem
| Dave Schuler wrote... (...) In P or MODELS. Or inlined in your model DAT file. Or included in your model MPD file. If seams are not desired at all use -sw0.0001 see (URL) a bit uncertain what you mean by SUBparts. I would call the DAT files in PARTS (...) (24 years ago, 10-Oct-00, to
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