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Re: Seams like a problem
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 05:37:12 GMT
888 times
"Lars C. Hassing" <> wrote in message
Dave Schuler wrote...
Lars Hassing in another thread recently pointed out that subparts • contained
within the PARTS directory will appear with seams during rendering.  Is • there
any way to prevent this?  More specifically, in which directory should • one
place subparts if seams are not desired?

Or inlined in your model DAT file.
Or included in your model MPD file.

If seams are not desired at all use -sw0.0001

I'm a bit uncertain what you mean by SUBparts. I would call the
DAT files in PARTS for parts, and those in PARTS\S for subparts.

L3P/L3Lab does not make seams for subparts, as the seams will be
made for the part referencing the subpart. Also parts referenced
by other parts will not have seams (a right wing referencing a
mirrored left wing should not have seams twice).

A model using two wings will have two references to the left wing,
one with seams (referenced by the model) and one without
(referenced by the right wing).

The simple rule I use is:
A reference to a DAT file will be made using seams,
only if all of these conditions are fulfilled:
1) The DAT file is found in PARTS [1]
2) The DAT file referencing it is NOT from PARTS
3) The determinant of the reference matrix is +1 or -1 [2]
[1] The "file" S\973s01.dat is considered being from PARTS.
    The backslash is treated as part of the filename, as LEdit/LDraw
    don't know the S subdirectory.
    If you reference 973s01.dat, it will NOT be found!
[2] This third condition will be added to the coming L3P/L3Lab,

Thanks for this info, Lars.  I'll be updating LDView prior to releasing v1.0
to take these things into account.  I'm probably going to take rule 2 and
recursively apply it up the line to verify that none of the ancestors are
parts.  Does anybody see any problems with this?

I'm a little confused here, though, because it seems to me that rule 2 would
prevent the seams from appearing in subparts, as long as they are truly
that:  SUBparts (although sub-subparts would have problems with a
single-level check for your parent being a part).  If someone were to
reference a subpart directly, then seams would appear, of course.  I think
the recursive check would prevent spurious seams for all subparts.  Am I
missing something here?

Great job on tracking down #3, by the way; that's a truly nasty gotcha.
Needless to say, LDView currently exhibits the same problem when the seam
width is set to anything other than 0.

--Travis Cobbs (

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Seams like a problem
Travis Cobbs wrote... (...) Yes, I think it is unncessary. Why would you do that? Besides it would hurt performance. With the current scheme I set a Seamable flag on LT1 references once during input. Then if seams are turned on I can simply test the (...) (24 years ago, 11-Oct-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Seams like a problem
Dave Schuler wrote... (...) In P or MODELS. Or inlined in your model DAT file. Or included in your model MPD file. If seams are not desired at all use -sw0.0001 see (URL) a bit uncertain what you mean by SUBparts. I would call the DAT files in PARTS (...) (24 years ago, 10-Oct-00, to

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