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Seams like a problem
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 21:14:16 GMT
657 times
Lars Hassing in another thread recently pointed out that subparts contained
within the PARTS directory will appear with seams during rendering.  Is there
any way to prevent this?  More specifically, in which directory should one
place subparts if seams are not desired?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Seams like a problem
I'm not sure what L3P/L3Lab do, but in LDView I require the part's base filename to not end with a letter (as well as being in the parts directory) in order to treat it as a part for the purpose of seams. I did this because I noticed a number of (...) (24 years ago, 10-Oct-00, to
  Re: Seams like a problem
Dave Schuler wrote... (...) In P or MODELS. Or inlined in your model DAT file. Or included in your model MPD file. If seams are not desired at all use -sw0.0001 see (URL) a bit uncertain what you mean by SUBparts. I would call the DAT files in PARTS (...) (24 years ago, 10-Oct-00, to

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