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Re: part 2951, more questions, nearly done
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 15:12:54 GMT
511 times
"John Jensen" <> writes:

Now, should I rework it using my own not quite round, odd degree, cylinder ?
Or should I calculate them as 16agons instead of circles?
Or should I just ignore the small gaps and calculate them as circles?

I believe the prefered solution when encountering problems like this
is to use as many of the circle and disc primitives as possible in a
non-overlapping fashion, and then fill out the rest with polygons.

(So my initial 2951 sketch uses the non-prefered solution, sorry about
not mentioning this before.  I forgot.)

To be more precise, say you need to make cylinder spanning 140
degrees.  The prefered way to do this is to use one 2-4cyli primitive
(90 deg), one 1-8cyli (45 deg) and use a polygon for the final 5

You can also let two circular primitives overlap by a multiple of 22.5
deg, which will make the polygons overlap perfectly.

I used a similar technique when making the 2851 Engine Piston Round to
make sure the cylinder primitives matched, even with the side hole.
That way, the part renders fine in both LDLITE (with the shadings
showing a perfect cylinder all the way) and with L3P/POV-Ray (with as
many primitives as possible substituted with real circular shapes).

Apart from that the piece is almost finished, and I dare say a lot
better looking than Fredrik Glöckner's:) which of course only was a
rough sketch.  I have btw. choosen the same orientation, so
replacing shouldn't be a problem.

Great!  I haven't looked at the part yet (I don't have LDraw right
now), but this sounds very good for my Front Loader, for which I
initially made the 2951 sketch:

Btw. how should a header for such a part look like?

This should be right:

0 Technic Bucket
0 Name: 2951.dat
0 Author: John Jensen
0 Un-Official Element


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: part 2951, more questions, nearly done
(...) ^^^^^^^ (...) Please replace "2-4cyli" with "1-4cyli" above. I goofed. :-) Fredrik (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to
  Re: part 2951, more questions, nearly done
(...) (I corrected the above from 2-4cyli to 1-4 cyli:)) (...) In case this is legal (see below) I'll let a 1-4cyli connect to the back flat part and a 1-8 cyli connect to the front flat part and connect the two cylinders with a polygon. That way I (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jan-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  part 2951, more questions, nearly done  [DAT]
I'm having a few questions regarding the 2951 (it's a bucket or scoop) The round part is created using two overlapping cylinders, but due to the not quite roundness of these (16agons? :) I'm having some problems making it look right. Now, should I (...) (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to

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