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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / Primitives / 391
390  |  392
Re: "Clusters" of Studs?
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 20:32:39 GMT
6747 times
In, Travis Cobbs wrote:
Since I haven't authored any parts, I'm not going to go into this too deeply,
but I think that square groups is a good idea.  One minor note.  Going from
one group size to the next gives you 2 * sqrt(N) + 1 new studs, not 2N + 1.

From the way Steve explained it, it sounds like stug4 would be a 4x4 square, not
a 2x2 square, in which case going from stugN to stugN+1 actually does give you
another 2N+1 studs.  When you think about it, by your reasoning, you'd never
actually be able to go from stugN to stugN+1, unless you were going from stug0
(0x0) to stug1 (1x1), and there's not much point in having a file for a 0x0 stud
pattern, since that would technically be just a mathematical (non-dimensional)
point (maybe stug0 would be a 10x10?).

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: "Clusters" of Studs?
(...) ... Whoops; you're right. --Travis (20 years ago, 25-Oct-04, to

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  Re: "Clusters" of Studs?
Since I haven't authored any parts, I'm not going to go into this too deeply, but I think that square groups is a good idea. One minor note. Going from one group size to the next gives you 2 * sqrt(N) + 1 new studs, not 2N + 1. --Travis (20 years ago, 25-Oct-04, to

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