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Re: LD4DModeler 1.0 Beta 1 now available
Sun, 12 May 2002 23:12:21 GMT
797 times
Application.UpdateFormatSettings, that's a new one for me. Thanks I will
use this for beta 2.

I indeed wait for ever for l3p and other external applications to exit,
I was already thinking about using a controllable time-out or a thread
for the l3p part but the pov-ray part could take days for real, and that
part is going to change (I really want a single call) so I look into
that later.

I really appreciate your comments.

Anders Isaksson wrote:

OK, I downloaded the latest L3P, and export works as expected, except for...

the '.' / ',' story is odd, I already force US format

I can still reproduce the error by changing to comma _after_ LD4DModeler is
started. In fact, there are a lot of things you can do in Windows, which
will broadcast a message that makes Delphi read the National Settings again.

You need to tell the Delphi runtime not to change settings during program

  Application.UpdateFormatSettings := False;
  DecimalSeparator := '.';

(I have a faint memory of yet another thing to watch out for, but can't find
it in any of my programs here at home. Will check at work on monday)

You can see the whole parameter set passed to l3p when enabling progress
logging and opening the log, F12, before frame export.

Export with Windows set to decimal point:

0000076156 - PROGRESS - Running external program "C:\anders\echo.bat"
"c:\temp\Steering cabine2\Steering
cabine2.dat" -o -cla0,0,0 -cc-149.999980466143,-212.132042521969,-149.999980
0000088797 - PROGRESS - Done running external program "C:\anders\echo.bat"
"c:\temp\Steering cabine2\Steering
cabine2.dat" -o -cla0,0,0 -cc-149.999980466143,-212.132042521969,-149.999980

Change to decimal comma without stopping the program, and then export again:

0000166437 - PROGRESS - Running external program "C:\anders\echo.bat"
"c:\temp\Steering cabine3\Steering
cabine3.dat" -o -cla0,0,0 -cc-149,999980466143,-212,132042521969,-149,999980
0000202531 - PROGRESS - Done running external program "C:\anders\echo.bat"
"c:\temp\Steering cabine3\Steering
cabine3.dat" -o -cla0,0,0 -cc-149,999980466143,-212,132042521969,-149,999980

As you can see, the commas are all there, and L3P gets confused.

Not repeatable, but sometimes during testing this, LD4DModeler hanged
completely (it seems l3p was never exiting), and needed to be stopped from
Task Manager.

Perhaps you should not WaitForSingleObject indefinitely, but periodically
check for other messages (that will also keep the program windows updated).

As for usability, I have started to make animations of my own (on your
minifig), and have collected some comments, but I'd like to do some more
testing before I show my misunderstanding of the system :-)

Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LD4DModeler 1.0 Beta 1 now available
"rmelkert" <> skrev i meddelandet (...) Thanks! (...) OK, I downloaded the latest L3P, and export works as expected, except for... (...) I can still reproduce the error by changing to comma (...) (23 years ago, 10-May-02, to lugnet.cad,

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