Re: Create Terrains and import to POV
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 21:06:08 GMT
651 times
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"Kai Brodersen" <> skrev i meddelandet
> In lugnet.cad, Ahui Herrera writes:
> > For all of you who are having trouble making real life scenes in POV-ray
> > check this utility out!
> >
> > See this link for some sample images
> >
> >
> > Click here to download the program
> >
> As for the exportation to Pov-ray. The developer is looking into an
> importation of objects into Terragen from Pov-ray.
Exporting from Terragen to POV is quite straightforward, but a bit tedious
(at least for me, maybe there's a better way...):
In Terragen:
- generate a nice height field (Default settings)
- select a color map (surfmap)
- Save the height field as '8 bit raw' (more on this later...)
- Set the camera at a very high altitude, looking directly down, full zoom,
make sure you see all the landscape
- Turn sky and shadows off and render the picture, this generates a bitmap
that will be used as 'image_map' in POV.
In a picture processing program that can handle the 'raw' format (for
example Paint Shop Pro):
- load the 'raw' height field you saved from Terragen
- save as .tga
- Start with a 'Basic scene...', remove the plane and sphere
- Insert the following (suitably edited):
{tga "TheHeightFieldImage.tga"
hierarchy on
{sys "TheColorBitmap.bmp" once interpolate 2}
translate <-.5, -.5, -.5>
scale <17000, 1750, 17000>
The scale is of course not exact, but choosen to match my test case (a car
in the Rockies?):
(Quite a bit of fiddling in POV to get the car to the right place!)
It would be nice with a shorter path from TG to POV!
Anders Isaksson, Sweden
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Create Terrains and import to POV
| (...) have forester cerate the POV file and render it (minus your lego model). Next create your POV lego model (no sky, no floor, no lights, no nothing..) Cut and paste the code of the lego model and insert into the code that forester made. Ta,ta.. (...) (23 years ago, 1-Apr-02, to lugnet.cad)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Create Terrains and import to POV
| (...) Wow, didn't know people were so interested in this. If you guys have any futher questions you might want to check out the yahoo group on Terragen. There is a link at As for the exportation to Pov-ray. The developer is looking (...) (23 years ago, 23-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad)
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