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Create Terrains and import to POV
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 16:06:42 GMT
562 times
For all of you who are having trouble making real life scenes in POV-ray
check this utility out!

See this link for some sample images

Click here to download the program

Thanks to kai brodersen for postiung this on brickshelf.

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: Create Terrains and import to POV
(...) Very cool! Any chance that you will export these enormous bitmaps to a more compressed format? (I'd love to see them!) (23 years ago, 22-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Create Terrains and import to POV
(...) Very cool! But how do you export these to Pov-Ray? John Kruer (23 years ago, 22-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad)
  Installtionn of Terregen (was Re: Create Terrains and import to POV)
(...) If any of you are having trouble installing the Terragen application and it's plug-ins here is part 1 of the tutorial I am working on. The FINAL tutorial (installation, useage, getting a scene into POV, and meshing with your model will be done (...) (23 years ago, 23-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Create Terrains and import to POV
(...) Wow, didn't know people were so interested in this. If you guys have any futher questions you might want to check out the yahoo group on Terragen. There is a link at As for the exportation to Pov-ray. The developer is looking (...) (23 years ago, 23-Mar-02, to lugnet.cad)

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