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Re: [LDAO] Editor Feedback requested
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 21:38:05 GMT
3543 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote in message <>...
If there is core functionality that both programs use, make that
functionality into reusable components, use a common code base and build
two different executables. While VB is not the ideal language to do this
in, it'll do, especially if you're using VSS. Or, switch to a real
language now while you aren't totally baked in. I of course advocate
Java for this sort of thing.

Sorry but I have to point out that in most cases VB is a much faster, and
easier to use programming language, Sure theres some trobles getting to
lowlevel stuff but that's why you use VC++ for an OCX. While Java on the
other hand, is slow and buggy.
I know you're doing this gratis, and I understand that two separate
programs would probably mean twice as many e-mails, questions to
answer, etc, but it sounds like you're concerned about settling for
"almost there" on two sides.

No, I want "exactly there" for both.  If it's possible.  I might settle • for
99% there.  But I tend to be a 1%'er, so maybe 99% isn't good enough.

Well, obviously you work for a corporate IT department. :-)  As a
consultant, I'm trained to convince people that 80% is good enough. And
it is. Get an 80% solution out there to your users and start capturing
"business"(1) benefits, then refine. If you analyse requirements till
you have it 100% right, the market will change out from under you while
you're stuck in analysis paralysis. (2)

  IMHO it's okay to start out at maybe 75% min it should be a fast ramp up,
I mean good enough never is, unless of course it's a web browser

I'm not sure from reading the various posts but is this program going to be
a really fancy text editor or a visual modeler kind of like ledit?

P.S. Sorry for the off topicnesss of most of this post, but I'm an avid VB

Matt Marshall
$%#$% Vacuum Cleaners Always get my pieces!!!
Matt's Lego Page

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: [LDAO] Editor Feedback requested
(...) VB is a faster language if what you want is writing poorly structured, hard to maintain code. Having to go to another language is damning. The bugginess of Java does not at all compare to trying to debug a VB problem. Been there, done that, (...) (26 years ago, 16-Nov-98, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: [LDAO] Editor Feedback requested
(...) If there is core functionality that both programs use, make that functionality into reusable components, use a common code base and build two different executables. While VB is not the ideal language to do this in, it'll do, especially if (...) (26 years ago, 15-Nov-98, to lugnet.cad)

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