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Re: [LDAO] Editor Feedback requested
Fri, 13 Nov 1998 22:44:33 GMT
2790 times
Bram Lambrecht writes:

Steve wrote:
Some options (not all mutually exclusive):

1. Use ctrl-keys for all the basic LEdit commands: arrow keys, moving
parts, changing the part number and color.

Does this mean I would have to hit CTRL-arrow to move a piece insteaad of
just arrow?

You are correct, sir!  It's actually worse than that, because most of the ctrl-
arrow, shift-arrow, and ctrl-shift-arrow keys are used in text editing.  So
the keystrokes to move the pieces would probably be taken from the keyboard.
For example, the movement keys might be:

S-   -F

Although this wouldn't actually work, because WXCE are already LEdit command-
keys, so presumably their ctrl-key versions would be mapped to the LEdit
functions.  If I'm going to seriously consider this option, I'll have to find
a square of keys which includes no command-keys.

4. Drop keystroke-based commands for modelers, and add buttons for
mouse-based commands.

No! No! No! No! No! Please keep keyboard commands for modelers!

That's pretty much the way I feel.

6. Give it up, and have two different editors, LDAO Modeler and LDAO

This would be friendly to beginning users and basic modelers, but
advanced modelers might have a problem with it - for example, I often
mirror parts of a model to save time/energy.

That was the reason for having two different windows.  One for modeling
commands, and one for authoring commands.

[1] When was the last time you heard that term?

I have no idea what it stands for...

What You See Is What You Get.  As opposed to the current LDAO Editor, which is
just a text editor with some extra functions.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: [LDAO] Editor Feedback requested
(...) I think you should try to stick to the LEdit keys :) I like the idea of custom keys though. Another great thing would be to toggle Center-set on automatically before every turn. (I always use center-set) (...) Maybe this would be the best way. (...) (26 years ago, 14-Nov-98, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: [LDAO] Editor Feedback requested
(...) Great! (...) Does this mean I would have to hit CTRL-arrow to move a piece insteaad of just arrow? (...) No! No! No! No! No! Please keep keyboard commands for modelers! (...) This would be friendly to beginning users and basic modelers, but (...) (26 years ago, 13-Nov-98, to lugnet.cad)

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