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Re: Reducing the level of chatter in
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 02:01:48 GMT
596 times
In lugnet.admin.nntp, Todd Lehman writes:
The group is special in that it is a direct communication
channel with LEGO (or, more specifically, the business subunit of LEGO known
as LEGO Direct, located in New York City).  It's intended for two-way
discussions with LEGO rather than about LEGO, and as such it isn't intended
for fan-to-fan chatter.  (Not that there's anything wrong with chatter -- it
just shouldn't be happening in the area.  Lots of other places
for that.)

The following is a proposal to reduce the level of chatter in the* newsgroups:


Is there really enough traffic from the LEGO Direct end to justify this?I've
seen a lot of posts on this group go unanswered by LEGO Direct.They may not
need to give a definite answer but at least acknowledge that they have seen
the posts on say a weekly basis.Is it possible to give a breakdown of posts
by LEGO Direct or Lego employees on an official level?Just worried that
after a few weeks of posting without replies people may take their
comments,suggestions,issues to other newsgroups making

Just my 2 cents


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Reducing the level of chatter in
(...) In some groups, the amount of traffic can matter more. But after reading how Todd Lehman set up, it matters less. Consider the lugnet.scala group: it has almost no traffic, but it serves to allow discussion regarding a (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp)

Message is in Reply To:
  Reducing the level of chatter in
The group is special in that it is a direct communication channel with LEGO (or, more specifically, the business subunit of LEGO known as LEGO Direct, located in New York City). It's intended for two-way discussions with LEGO (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp,

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