In lugnet.admin.database, Jamie Obrien writes:
> > Hmm, what I'd like to see is a graph with the numeric year of release
> > along the x-axis and the ratings along the y-axis.
> Aghh, i see, but that still requires us to do some work. We need to rate
> more to get a more representative look. And Yep, the graph sounds like a
> brilliant idea. Any maths majors out there?
I made this last night, but I didn't spend much time making it pretty:
The zig-zagging red line through the middle is the median (the 50th
percentile); the vertical red I-shaped lines represent the 16th and 84th
percentiles; the magenta lines represent the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles; and
the blue lines represent the .15 and 99.85 percentiles. The min and max for
each year and outliers beyond the blue aren't shown.
I did a plot showing the average as well, but it was essentially the same as
the median, so I removed it from the graph to make it simpler.
There's really not enough data yet to get a really meaningful plot, but some
minor trends are evident.
If anyone wants to play with the raw data, grab it quick before it
disappears (and remember that it's a snapsnot in time, from yesterday):
Each line in the file is a pair of numbers representing the year of release
and the composite score for one set. One thing immediately apparent is that
there are more data points for more recent years, so the spread of scores is
greater, but that's not surprising.
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